I can't see a 7 PRC doing anything the 7mm Remington hasn't been doing for decades. Plenty of mag space in a 700 for the Remmy and 180/195 grain bullets. Plenty of brass, dies, factory ammo. I'll happily slum a 7 Remington if I feel the need.
For now a rather pedestrian 6.5-284 is working for my long range needs. And oh, not a lot the 6.5-284 can't do compared to a 6.5 PRC. But I digress.
I'll happily take the 7PRC strictly for reloading purposes of getting around the belt that they put on then 7 rem mag. Whoever invented that belt that serves zero purpose should be kicked in the nuts IMO
You're an idiot. It's called "headspace." It ensures that your gun will fire, and safely. It certainly had a purpose, and that belt still serves the same purpose.
You should be bitching at the guys who kept repurposing the H&H base case for every new "magnum" they wanted to peddle to the masses.
Belts are nowhere in proximity to "control" headspace,but it's a warm bottle bedside notion,for you Fhuqktards. Hint.
Bless your poor poor(literally) heart for TRYING though.
Fhuqking LAUGHING!..................
Brad says: "Can't fault Rick for his pity letting you back on the fire... but pity it was and remains. Nothing more, nothing less. A sad little man in a sad little dream."
I can't see a 7 PRC doing anything the 7mm Remington hasn't been doing for decades. Plenty of mag space in a 700 for the Remmy and 180/195 grain bullets. Plenty of brass, dies, factory ammo. I'll happily slum a 7 Remington if I feel the need.
For now a rather pedestrian 6.5-284 is working for my long range needs. And oh, not a lot the 6.5-284 can't do compared to a 6.5 PRC. But I digress.
I'll happily take the 7PRC strictly for reloading purposes of getting around the belt that they put on then 7 rem mag. Whoever invented that belt that serves zero purpose should be kicked in the nuts IMO
You're an idiot. It's called "headspace." It ensures that your gun will fire, and safely. It certainly had a purpose, and that belt still serves the same purpose.
You should be bitching at the guys who kept repurposing the H&H base case for every new "magnum" they wanted to peddle to the masses.
Can't you headspace off the shoulder after 1 fire form and adjust your FL die accordingly??
Also, doesn't the 7 mag have a history of pressure spikes hence the SAAMI 61K PSI??
Faith and love of others knows no mileage nor bounds. That's simply the way it is. dogzapper
After the game is over, the king and the pawn go into the same box. Italian Proverb
I can't see a 7 PRC doing anything the 7mm Remington hasn't been doing for decades. Plenty of mag space in a 700 for the Remmy and 180/195 grain bullets. Plenty of brass, dies, factory ammo. I'll happily slum a 7 Remington if I feel the need.
For now a rather pedestrian 6.5-284 is working for my long range needs. And oh, not a lot the 6.5-284 can't do compared to a 6.5 PRC. But I digress.
I'll happily take the 7PRC strictly for reloading purposes of getting around the belt that they put on then 7 rem mag. Whoever invented that belt that serves zero purpose should be kicked in the nuts IMO
You're an idiot. It's called "headspace." It ensures that your gun will fire, and safely. It certainly had a purpose, and that belt still serves the same purpose.
You should be bitching at the guys who kept repurposing the H&H base case for every new "magnum" they wanted to peddle to the masses.
Can't you headspace off the shoulder after 1 fire form and adjust your FL die accordingly??
Also, doesn't the 7 mag have a history of pressure spikes hence the SAAMI 61K PSI??
You certainly can headspace off the shoulder now. But the belted case was made during a time when machining tolerances were sloppier, where there was a lot of variation between chambers, and when handloading didn't exist in remotely the same fashion. The belt insured the gun would fire, and safely. Thus my comment about the belt's seeming necessity in the past. But in modern guns shooting sharper-shouldered cartridges, it isn't serving any purpose, except that the belted case was sold as synonymous with "magnum" to a few generations of hunters.
Thinking about a long range specific hunter. Main use would be deer in ag fields but could consider elk in the equation, ~800 yards max hunting range, fair amount of shooting to 1000. 24" barrel, non-suppressed. Would likely be using eldx bullets in either...143 and 175. Don't factor brass/bullet/component availability in right now.... Edited to add: action would be either mid for 6.5 or long for 7 so don't factor it in...mainly just thinking on the two rounds, not the build.
So thinking hard on them with the considerations of wind drift and barrel life being two of the biggest considerations.....what's your pro/con on each of the two?
For that application, I would go for the 7. Can't cheat mechanics.
I'm already invested in the 6.5, both Kreed and Prick, so I'll stay there for economics. Besides, in FL a 300 yds shot is considered "long-range".
My neck has large patches of skin from my thigh and enough nerve damage from surgeries that recoil makes a difference. Besides that ,all else being equal, everyone shoots a 243 better that a .338
I can't see a 7 PRC doing anything the 7mm Remington hasn't been doing for decades. Plenty of mag space in a 700 for the Remmy and 180/195 grain bullets. Plenty of brass, dies, factory ammo. I'll happily slum a 7 Remington if I feel the need.
For now a rather pedestrian 6.5-284 is working for my long range needs. And oh, not a lot the 6.5-284 can't do compared to a 6.5 PRC. But I digress.
I'll happily take the 7PRC strictly for reloading purposes of getting around the belt that they put on then 7 rem mag. Whoever invented that belt that serves zero purpose should be kicked in the nuts IMO
You're an idiot. It's called "headspace." It ensures that your gun will fire, and safely. It certainly had a purpose, and that belt still serves the same purpose.
You should be bitching at the guys who kept repurposing the H&H base case for every new "magnum" they wanted to peddle to the masses.
Can't you headspace off the shoulder after 1 fire form and adjust your FL die accordingly??
Also, doesn't the 7 mag have a history of pressure spikes hence the SAAMI 61K PSI??
I believe that pressure spikes in cases like the 7mm mag came from the time when IMR4350 and powders like H205 were popular in them. With powders like H1000 and Imr 7977 a 7 mm rem acts like most other cartridges......
I can't see a 7 PRC doing anything the 7mm Remington hasn't been doing for decades. Plenty of mag space in a 700 for the Remmy and 180/195 grain bullets. Plenty of brass, dies, factory ammo. I'll happily slum a 7 Remington if I feel the need.
For now a rather pedestrian 6.5-284 is working for my long range needs. And oh, not a lot the 6.5-284 can't do compared to a 6.5 PRC. But I digress.
I'll happily take the 7PRC strictly for reloading purposes of getting around the belt that they put on then 7 rem mag. Whoever invented that belt that serves zero purpose should be kicked in the nuts IMO
Just a random question, but how does the belt hurt anything? I agree, it isn't needed, but if you load the case the same way you'd load a 7 PRC how would it ever hurt/hinder anything?
Beretz, the main benefit of the PRC and Creedmoor rounds is chamber and die specs. There is a noticeable advantage to minimal working of brass that shows up biggly in the long run. Why put a useless belt on a cartridge and than design it to maximum size your brass everytime?
Last edited by Trystan; 11/21/22.
Good bullets properly placed always work, but not everyone knows what good bullets are, or can reliably place them in the field
Thinking about a long range specific hunter. Main use would be deer in ag fields but could consider elk in the equation, ~800 yards max hunting range, fair amount of shooting to 1000. 24" barrel, non-suppressed. Would likely be using eldx bullets in either...143 and 175. Don't factor brass/bullet/component availability in right now.... Edited to add: action would be either mid for 6.5 or long for 7 so don't factor it in...mainly just thinking on the two rounds, not the build.
So thinking hard on them with the considerations of wind drift and barrel life being two of the biggest considerations.....what's your pro/con on each of the two?
For wind drift advantages and just a little more bullet on target I would go with the 7mm myself, others may prefer something different
180 Berger's at 2900 fps Longest shot was right at 1/4 mile on the springbok.
330-350 (I think)...I would have to go back and check
Under 200
325 yards
200-300 yards...Just don't remember
490 yards (Back about 11 years ago)
666 yards: 200 grain VLD at the upper 2800 fps
I have not used the 180 grain ELD-M on game, but I have used the 175 grain ELD-X, but nothing at long range. All under 400 yards. [img]https://i.imgur.com/54yu89al.jpg[/img]
Mr Camuglia, Do you use muzzle brakes or suppressors on your rifles?
“Perfection is achieved not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away”. Antoine de Saint-Exupery. Originally posted by Brad.