Hi, I am Denny McDaniels. My wife and I operate Duck Creek Sporting Goods; a business that specializes in reloading components.
Our company motto is "THE BEST BRASS & BULLETS AT THE BEST PRICES", and we strive to keep that pledge. DuckCreekSportingGoods.com sells new and used die sets, factory new and quality fired brass cases and offers a nice bullet selection.
We are offering 24 Hour Campfire members a 10% coupon code valid to Feb 28, 2023. Type "AGM" upon check out. That's short for ALL GUN'S MATTER.
Feel free to contact me via email at duckcreeksports

gmail.com if there is an item you are looking for that you cannot find on the website. Currently those items include 7mm Remington Magnum, 300 Win. and 6.5 PRC cases. They are coming from Peterson and due in next week. My Winter newsletter may answer many questions and is located at