I was in at Higginsons Powders last week and there are some powders available, some Hodgdon, Winchester but no IMR powders. Andrew said that primers may soon be available again. Keep an eye on their website.
That's a good thing to mention. At one time, Higginson Powders had gobs of everything. It's getting harder to be in that business as the years go on. Give him your business if you can.
And how you hunt.
410 is for ground shooting, much like a 22 but more limited range.
The few skeet shooters that I’ve seen Wingshooting a 410 had fitted guns, years of experience, and jaw dropping results.
I am not a wingshooter. With the exception of grouse, I don't use a shotgun against anything that flies. It's hard enough with bunnies!

It would take a lot of practice for me, or anyone, to become proficient with a 410 against anything that flies. Good on 'em!