I've been elk hunting in Oregon the past few days. Got a depredation permit which allowed me to take one cow elk. Often a cow elk hunt is fairly easy. This was one of the more grueling hunting days I've done, at least in the past 10 years or so. Steep and rocky ridges to climb, and the ground was so saturated with water from recent snow melt and rain that each step was a struggle. We put in almost five miles that day, all off-trail, and climbed two steep ridges to get to the elk.
Chukar flushed on one stalk, and the elk left quickly. So, onto plan B. The elk that we stalked on plan B left the area while we were moving in behind a ridge.
Then suddenly two groups of elk came over the ridge and clustered together 900 yards or so away... We set about closing that distance. Although the NRA calls me a "Long Range High Master" in competition, I'm not real keen on taking long-range shots at wild game. So, I wanted to get closer. After a long stalk, including at least 100 yards of crawling, we ended up at about 400 yards from the elk. I picked one out that didn't have another elk standing behind it, held on the front of her chest because of the strong sidewind, and on top of her back because of the drop at 400 yards. Zach ranged her at 405 yards. Steadied the crosshairs in my 6x Leupold and squeezed the trigger. We heard a loud "thwap" from the bullet striking! It had broken what some refer to as the "elbow" of her left front leg, entered low in the chest and hit the heart!
Now, it's good to know that elk are tenacious of life. With one leg useless and a bullet hole through her heart, this cow elk staggered a bit, then decided to leave the area! She went over a ridge and we went after her, then I finished her at much shorter range. I knelt beside her and thanked her for giving my family that good meat. She turned out to be a rather large dry cow, perfect for meat.
We de-boned her on the spot and loaded her into our packs, then hiked a mile down to the road.
This was NOT an easy hunt, I was literally exhausted afterwards. Fortunately I had two strong 38 year old guys with me who carried the bulk of the meat down the ridge. I carried the backstraps and tenderloins, heavy enough for 66 year old me.
We hunted some more in the general area for the next couple of days, but I never got another shot opportunity. What a great way to spend the weekend.

Came home with some heavy and excellent elk meat. I don't know yet how much elk meat I've got, but it's a lot! Elk meat if you don't know, is delicious. I'm a happy hunter.
405 yards, Remington 700 CDL, 30-06 with handloaded 178 grain Hornady ELD-X bullets at 2790 fps via Ramshot Hunter, and a 6x Leupold scope. This rifle has been very successful for me over the years.
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/wTezN0Ah.jpg)
![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/aktOwX8h.jpg)
Regards, Guy