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GRF; Good afternoon my friend, I hope at least the weather is good for you folks out there on your side of the big hills.
Thanks sincerely for what you're doing, I appreciate your efforts as well as everyone else here who has been contacting politicians and groups on this issue.
As mentioned I'm a CCFR member so I know they're going to launch as much of push back as possible. The NFA might be too, not sure, but if one is a member of such groups or is inclined to support them that'd likely be appreciated.
Even though I'm in an NDP riding as well, I'm intending on contacting my MP to let them know that this isn't acceptable and he is going to be held accountable for his actions assisting the government to seize his neighbor's property. If nothing else, he'll know where a few of us stand.
Lastly I suppose sir, if one is inclined to do so, I've been praying for wisdom as to how to approach this, for God to change the hearts of those who are at the controls and then for peace to accept whatever it is God's will is for us.
If by some chance I get a further bolt of inspiration I'll definitely throw it out too, but for now that's where I'm at.
Thanks again everyone, while I'm deeply concerned about what's taking place, I do feel as if I'm at least in good company on this side.
All the best.
Last edited by BC30cal; 11/27/22.
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I’ve emailed:
all Alberta senators requesting bill C-21 be returned to parliament for proper debate.
My MP and Pierre P asking them to pressure senators to return C-21 to parliament
My nearest conservative MLA (I live in an NDP riding😠☹️) thanking the Conservative government for challenging C-21 as aggressively as they have.
Getting returned to parliament will only be a delay as the NDP and the Bloc will fall in line with the liberals on this issue, but it’s all we’ve got at present.
I’m going to forward my emails onto my gun buddies and family to encourage them to cut and paste and create their own emails.
I will send hard copy letters as well to senators, my MP, Pierre P and that asshat Mendino.
I’m working with our Fish and Game Association to get them more aggressively active on this issue.
What else ca I do? Perhaps better stated what else can we do? Hi GRF, can you PM me your email and I will send it out as well. If I do nothing, I am simply not standing up for freedom, and that would not be acceptable to me. Thank you ~ KB
My LR scope is a Huskemaw Blue Diamond 5-20x50. It's awesome.
The USA, is our last chance at freedom. God Bless America ~
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Redgewell!!!!!!!! Where you at my ninja?
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For KB and others who are interested.
Dear Senator Tannas;
I am writing to you today as a Canadian citizen and a resident of Alberta to request that you and other members of the senate send Bill C-21 back to parliament for proper debate.
As I am sure you are aware this bill is cobbled together with various Orders In Council and amendments made to the bill after committee debate had closed. The amendments made after committee and the use of the Order In Councils have deprived myself and other Canadians of having our elected representatives being able to fully and completely debate this act in parliament, therefore depriving me and other Canadians of our right to be properly represented by our elected officials.
This bill is particularly onerous for many reasons, my two main concerns are:
-It is clearly directed at millions of Canadian firearms owners who have been tested, vetted, licensed and monitored by the RCMP and does nothing to address any of the real issues facing Canadians because of criminal gangs and their willingness to engage in violence using illegally acquired firearms, or the smuggling of those firearms into Canada.
-By including all of the previously “banned” firearms into the amendment it has the look of possibly evading the earlier promised “buy back”. This is particularly frightening as the only protection Canadians have from confiscation of privately held property without cause or compensation is legal precedent going back to the Magna Carta. There is no protection of property rights in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This bill involves confiscation without cause, possibly without compensation and at least without adequate compensation. Therefore it is a significant infringement upon the freedoms and property rights of millions of law abiding Canadians firearms owners and possibly a significant erosion of the property rights of all Canadians.
There are other aspects to C-21 which are problematic as well but I do not wish to waste your time with a dozen page dissection of the issues and concerns I have with this bill.
In short Bill C-21 is onerous, expensive, ineffective, unreasonable and worthy of return to parliament if for no other reason than the opportunity for proper debate.
Best regards.
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GRF; Top of the morning to you sir, I hope you're getting decent weather and are all well.
Thanks so much for the letter - as a former professional letter writer at work I do believe I'm qualified to say that's a very fine one indeed! Well done.
I shall be borrowing a couple points that you've made as it might hit home even with the NDP MP we're stuck with. Never know and can't hurt to try.
When I'm back down I'll check in later - we're off to attempt another walk for whitetail since we're down to 3 days left.
Best to you all and thanks again.
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GRF, some exellent points.
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Nice work! I hope more people take a few minutes to send letters and emails to their senators and representatives.
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100% Jordan! We ALL need to write letters and email. As well as join an firearms association
I’m meeting with our local fish and game association to try and get them to increase their effort.
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For KB and others who are interested.
Dear Senator Tannas;
I am writing to you today as a Canadian citizen and a resident of Alberta to request that you and other members of the senate send Bill C-21 back to parliament for proper debate.
As I am sure you are aware this bill is cobbled together with various Orders In Council and amendments made to the bill after committee debate had closed. The amendments made after committee and the use of the Order In Councils have deprived myself and other Canadians of having our elected representatives being able to fully and completely debate this act in parliament, therefore depriving me and other Canadians of our right to be properly represented by our elected officials.
This bill is particularly onerous for many reasons, my two main concerns are:
-It is clearly directed at millions of Canadian firearms owners who have been tested, vetted, licensed and monitored by the RCMP and does nothing to address any of the real issues facing Canadians because of criminal gangs and their willingness to engage in violence using illegally acquired firearms, or the smuggling of those firearms into Canada.
-By including all of the previously “banned” firearms into the amendment it has the look of possibly evading the earlier promised “buy back”. This is particularly frightening as the only protection Canadians have from confiscation of privately held property without cause or compensation is legal precedent going back to the Magna Carta. There is no protection of property rights in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This bill involves confiscation without cause, possibly without compensation and at least without adequate compensation. Therefore it is a significant infringement upon the freedoms and property rights of millions of law abiding Canadians firearms owners and possibly a significant erosion of the property rights of all Canadians.
There are other aspects to C-21 which are problematic as well but I do not wish to waste your time with a dozen page dissection of the issues and concerns I have with this bill.
In short Bill C-21 is onerous, expensive, ineffective, unreasonable and worthy of return to parliament if for no other reason than the opportunity for proper debate.
Best regards. Hi GRF, Thank you for sharing you well written letter! Like Dwayne, I am a professional writer as well. I will modify your template to express my point of view. I am not a gun collector; I only own a couple of firearms that I use to hunt with because I prefer Venison over Beef and Pig and I do enjoy everything about hunting, including Bow hunting. Believe me when I say that there are a lot of things I would like to say here, but I honestly believe that we Canadians on this forum are being "Watched" and may suffer repercussions from letting people know our true thoughts, which in itself is a frightening prospect. I will send my letter, but as I have said before I honestly believe Canada is already a "Ruined Nation", I think it is too late. I do not blame Trudeau for the position we are in today, many of his predecessors worked overtime to get us to this point. It is all so F'ing pathetic. I never believed it would come to a point where standard hunting bolt action rifles would make it to a prohibited firearms list, but here we are. Welcome to the New Communist Canada, controlled by Tyrants that want absolute control and conformity. I am so happy I hunted my azz off all my life and that I am old. I feel sorry for young people. KB
Last edited by KillerBee; 11/28/22.
My LR scope is a Huskemaw Blue Diamond 5-20x50. It's awesome.
The USA, is our last chance at freedom. God Bless America ~
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KillerBee; Good afternoon once more Darren, me again and I still hope you're well.
With the greatest respect, I'm going to differ with your opinion that we're already ruined.
As mentioned I've been involved both at one time as a PAL/RPAL Instructor/Examiner and a current BC CORE Hunter Safety Course Instructor/Examiner.
I've been involved in the CORE program since '89 which was before we had or were even thinking about having children and honestly my primary motivator for becoming involved was that I felt I owed a debt to those who had provided me with these opportunities.
My late father used to tell me that up into the '60's in our part of Saskatchewan seeing a whitetail was uncommon and might make the local paper. The folks who came before us set up programs and seasons so we could have that hunting lifestyle.
Canada as we know it today might not continue on, but one way or another for the next shift of hunters like Jordan here and for his kids and for my kids, I am not going gently into anybody's night anytime soon Darren.
Not if I have anything to say about it and for the moment I still do.
This isn't good for sure, but like the convoy which landed in Ottawa, I think - no I know - there's a bunch of us who need to wake up and become involved in running our communities, provinces and country again.
It won't always be pleasant and it won't be free for sure, but then as we semi-geezer types well know, nothing worthwhile is ever free.
We'll see where this all ends, but from my perspective it's still early days and I'd like to believe "they" have no concept of the size of the bear they've poked.
All the best regardless sir.
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I have written a number of letters so far 4-5 sentences each, directed at the recipient, I don't do generic emailing.
No fight is over until I/we decide it is over.
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KillerBee; Good afternoon once more Darren, me again and I still hope you're well.
With the greatest respect, I'm going to differ with your opinion that we're already ruined.
As mentioned I've been involved both at one time as a PAL/RPAL Instructor/Examiner and a current BC CORE Hunter Safety Course Instructor/Examiner.
I've been involved in the CORE program since '89 which was before we had or were even thinking about having children and honestly my primary motivator for becoming involved was that I felt I owed a debt to those who had provided me with these opportunities.
My late father used to tell me that up into the '60's in our part of Saskatchewan seeing a whitetail was uncommon and might make the local paper. The folks who came before us set up programs and seasons so we could have that hunting lifestyle.
Canada as we know it today might not continue on, but one way or another for the next shift of hunters like Jordan here and for his kids and for my kids, I am not going gently into anybody's night anytime soon Darren.
Not if I have anything to say about it and for the moment I still do.
This isn't good for sure, but like the convoy which landed in Ottawa, I think - no I know - there's a bunch of us who need to wake up and become involved in running our communities, provinces and country again.
It won't always be pleasant and it won't be free for sure, but then as we semi-geezer types well know, nothing worthwhile is ever free.
We'll see where this all ends, but from my perspective it's still early days and I'd like to believe "they" have no concept of the size of the bear they've poked.
All the best regardless sir.
Dwayne Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Dwayne, please do not use my real name, I have a chef's knife in my kitchen, and it is very sharp, they may ban that next! Thank you for showing me how to access Podcasts, I really want to watch Joe Rogan's pod cast. Did you see the giant elk he killed with his bow? Nothing beats hunting Elk with a bow IMO Thanks again buddy, have a great evening ~ KB
My LR scope is a Huskemaw Blue Diamond 5-20x50. It's awesome.
The USA, is our last chance at freedom. God Bless America ~
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For KB and others who are interested.
Dear Senator Tannas;
I am writing to you today as a Canadian citizen and a resident of Alberta to request that you and other members of the senate send Bill C-21 back to parliament for proper debate.
As I am sure you are aware this bill is cobbled together with various Orders In Council and amendments made to the bill after committee debate had closed. The amendments made after committee and the use of the Order In Councils have deprived myself and other Canadians of having our elected representatives being able to fully and completely debate this act in parliament, therefore depriving me and other Canadians of our right to be properly represented by our elected officials.
This bill is particularly onerous for many reasons, my two main concerns are:
-It is clearly directed at millions of Canadian firearms owners who have been tested, vetted, licensed and monitored by the RCMP and does nothing to address any of the real issues facing Canadians because of criminal gangs and their willingness to engage in violence using illegally acquired firearms, or the smuggling of those firearms into Canada.
-By including all of the previously “banned” firearms into the amendment it has the look of possibly evading the earlier promised “buy back”. This is particularly frightening as the only protection Canadians have from confiscation of privately held property without cause or compensation is legal precedent going back to the Magna Carta. There is no protection of property rights in our Charter of Rights and Freedoms. This bill involves confiscation without cause, possibly without compensation and at least without adequate compensation. Therefore it is a significant infringement upon the freedoms and property rights of millions of law abiding Canadians firearms owners and possibly a significant erosion of the property rights of all Canadians.
There are other aspects to C-21 which are problematic as well but I do not wish to waste your time with a dozen page dissection of the issues and concerns I have with this bill.
In short Bill C-21 is onerous, expensive, ineffective, unreasonable and worthy of return to parliament if for no other reason than the opportunity for proper debate.
Best regards. Hi GRF, Thank you for sharing you well written letter! Like Dwayne, I am a professional writer as well. I will modify your template to express my point of view. I am not a gun collector; I only own a couple of firearms that I use to hunt with because I prefer Venison over Beef and Pig and I do enjoy everything about hunting, including Bow hunting. Believe me when I say that there are a lot of things I would like to say here, but I honestly believe that we Canadians on this forum are being "Watched" and may suffer repercussions from letting people know our true thoughts, which in itself is a frightening prospect. I will send my letter, but as I have said before I honestly believe Canada is already a "Ruined Nation", I think it is too late. I do not blame Trudeau for the position we are in today, many of his predecessors worked overtime to get us to this point. It is all so F'ing pathetic. I never believed it would come to a point where standard hunting bolt action rifles would make it to a prohibited firearms list, but here we are. Welcome to the New Communist Canada, controlled by Tyrants that want absolute control and conformity. I am so happy I hunted my azz off all my life and that I am old. I feel sorry for young people. KB Hey Darren, There is no doubt that we are being watched. I am certain that I am. I have written position papers on behalf of the Outdoor Writers of Canada where I sit as the President. I have fought several bills now from that position. As well, I write letters/emails on my own behalf in defense of firearms owners etc. GRF's letter is a great template we should all modify for personal use. A job well done Sir! Jeff
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Hey Jeff, since you are an Outdoor writer do you know George Gruenfeld? Here is a picture of him goose hunting with my father. Top picture. Cheers ~ KB ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/EKlLdnn.jpg)
My LR scope is a Huskemaw Blue Diamond 5-20x50. It's awesome.
The USA, is our last chance at freedom. God Bless America ~
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KillerBee; Good afternoon once more Darren, me again and I still hope you're well.
With the greatest respect, I'm going to differ with your opinion that we're already ruined.
As mentioned I've been involved both at one time as a PAL/RPAL Instructor/Examiner and a current BC CORE Hunter Safety Course Instructor/Examiner.
I've been involved in the CORE program since '89 which was before we had or were even thinking about having children and honestly my primary motivator for becoming involved was that I felt I owed a debt to those who had provided me with these opportunities.
My late father used to tell me that up into the '60's in our part of Saskatchewan seeing a whitetail was uncommon and might make the local paper. The folks who came before us set up programs and seasons so we could have that hunting lifestyle.
Canada as we know it today might not continue on, but one way or another for the next shift of hunters like Jordan here and for his kids and for my kids, I am not going gently into anybody's night anytime soon Darren.
Not if I have anything to say about it and for the moment I still do.
This isn't good for sure, but like the convoy which landed in Ottawa, I think - no I know - there's a bunch of us who need to wake up and become involved in running our communities, provinces and country again.
It won't always be pleasant and it won't be free for sure, but then as we semi-geezer types well know, nothing worthwhile is ever free.
We'll see where this all ends, but from my perspective it's still early days and I'd like to believe "they" have no concept of the size of the bear they've poked.
All the best regardless sir.
Dwayne Hi Dwayne, Very well said my friend. I am fighting this and the previous firearm issues only partially on my behalf, much more of my intense fighting is so my kids and my grandkids of whom I have 5. One of them is just 6 today so there are many years of gun ownership and hunting ahead for my family! I have seen an article this evening where Mendicino is accusing the Conservatives of fear mongering, that they have no intention of banning hunting arms. Yet, we have all seen the document where they list hunting arm after hunting arm, some of the most commonly used hunting arms in Canada. Seems they now backtracking or still spinning the party line. Scum. Have a great evening, Jeff
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Hi Darren, I do know George. I have written quite a few articles for him before he retired. Great guy to write for and to know. I'm envious, would love to hunt/fish with him. Maybe one day... Have a great evening, Jeff
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KillerBee; Good afternoon once more Darren, me again and I still hope you're well.
With the greatest respect, I'm going to differ with your opinion that we're already ruined.
As mentioned I've been involved both at one time as a PAL/RPAL Instructor/Examiner and a current BC CORE Hunter Safety Course Instructor/Examiner.
I've been involved in the CORE program since '89 which was before we had or were even thinking about having children and honestly my primary motivator for becoming involved was that I felt I owed a debt to those who had provided me with these opportunities.
My late father used to tell me that up into the '60's in our part of Saskatchewan seeing a whitetail was uncommon and might make the local paper. The folks who came before us set up programs and seasons so we could have that hunting lifestyle.
Canada as we know it today might not continue on, but one way or another for the next shift of hunters like Jordan here and for his kids and for my kids, I am not going gently into anybody's night anytime soon Darren.
Not if I have anything to say about it and for the moment I still do.
This isn't good for sure, but like the convoy which landed in Ottawa, I think - no I know - there's a bunch of us who need to wake up and become involved in running our communities, provinces and country again.
It won't always be pleasant and it won't be free for sure, but then as we semi-geezer types well know, nothing worthwhile is ever free.
We'll see where this all ends, but from my perspective it's still early days and I'd like to believe "they" have no concept of the size of the bear they've poked.
All the best regardless sir.
Dwayne Hi Dwayne, it's me again too lol, I am fond of our online relationship we have developed a nice friendship and I have ZREO issues with you, as I am enjoying our friendship. We do share many commonalities and beliefs. If you recall you were the first person, I communicated with on 24 Hour Campfire. Honestly, I hope you are correct, and that my analysis is wrong. Nothing would make me happier! But you see my friend I have a different perspective, I was unfortunate enough to grow up in Quebec, and watched the politicians usher in the " English Language Police" have you ever heard of that? ![[Linked Image from i.imgur.com]](https://i.imgur.com/sMzAG3E.jpg) KB
Last edited by KillerBee; 11/28/22.
My LR scope is a Huskemaw Blue Diamond 5-20x50. It's awesome.
The USA, is our last chance at freedom. God Bless America ~
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Curious.....Why are some of yous guys concerned about being monitored? Near as I can tell, nobody has said anything that could be even twisted to express a bad intent on any level.
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Curious.....Why are some of yous guys concerned about being monitored? Near as I can tell, nobody has said anything that could be even twisted to express a bad intent on any level. The reason why "nobody has said anything that could be even twisted to express a bad intent on any level. Is because we all know we are being watched, sad but true!
Last edited by KillerBee; 11/29/22.
My LR scope is a Huskemaw Blue Diamond 5-20x50. It's awesome.
The USA, is our last chance at freedom. God Bless America ~
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Look at Canada today and you see the USA in a generation. The same BS that has destroyed Canada is being fed to anyone anywhere in the US education system. The goal is the same as in every country that is not a dictatorship. Become one. We already have a dictatorship of the elites. It will progress to single dictator. That is the NORMAL means of governing mankind. Most of the world is run that way, we will not escape.
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