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Blowhard yanks who are blind to the state of their own society and nation while they point their fingers at others.....


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Originally Posted by DBT
Blowhard yanks who are blind to the state of their own society and nation while they point their fingers at others.....
Are you on an invalid pension too, like many of your countrymen? Or did you manage to convince everyone that you have 1/10 native ancestry?

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Originally Posted by Swamplord
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Swamplord
So tell me mr macho Aussie, how many loaded 9mm Glocks with 15 round mags (plus extra mags) you keep in the house, ready to be deployed in a seconds notice for self defense and family protection ?

How many AR-15's with 30 rounds mags ya got in the house ready STAT ?

Who, me? None.

good answer

you wouldn't want the coppers out checking your house now would you ?

They have checked it out and it's all good.

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.

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Originally Posted by Swamplord
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Riflehunter
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Riflehunter
Originally Posted by zeissman
Originally Posted by Riflehunter
Originally Posted by zeissman
The ignorance shown by some of the American posters on here regarding firearm laws in Australia is beyond belief. You'd think that if someone was going to criticize a country's firearm laws, that they would at least have some idea what they're talking about.

The latest Global Peace Index for 2022 places Australia at 27 and the good old USA at 129. That's right, 129, far worse than many 3rd world countries. The simple fact is that in Australia and New Zealand (rated 2nd safest country) people don't need to carry a firearm for self defense because there is no threat. I'm 70 years young and have never known any member of the law abiding public who has needed a gun for self defense and I was in law enforcement for many years.
Of course, being an ex-police member, you have the attitude that only police should have guns and the general public should be completely defenseless. If a house invasion is happening or a group of African youths are attacking someone, then the victim should just call the police, and the Police will come, half an hour later. Zeissman do you also think the Police should be disarmed?

The public is armed if they want to be and I fully support that. Try arguing with a 12 gauge shotgun, even an old side by side, loaded with buckshot.
The Australian laws and NZ laws do not allow you to be armed either in public or in your own home. It is illegal to have a firearm for self-defence and any attempt to use one for such purposes will land you in prison with a hundred thousand dollar legal expense and your gun licence cancelled. Firearms must be locked in safe's and so does ammunition in a separate locked facility. There is no way that anybody during a home invasion could have a firearm ready for a home invasion and not be committing a "crime". And you know that.

C'mon man - you can't be that naive, surely. Who would be stupid enough to choose the potential murder of themselves or their family members over the fear of a potential fine for legally defending themselves - using whatever force necessary to defend their lives.

Safes are used for storage of firearms and ammunition BTW - investigate what that means.
You are not allowed to have a firearm for self-defense, it is illegal for you to have a firearm immediately available in case you need it for self-defense, you are highly unlikely to know that a home invasion is imminent so that you can take it out and load it and use "self-defense" as a legitimate reason for using it...so if you have a firearm ready in case there may be a home-invasion and you use it, the chances are that you will be up on a murder charge and other charges and immediately thrown in jail. Now were you to take a firearm into a public place, even if it's in a bad part of town at a bad time (night-time) and you used it for self-defense, you would be up on a murder charge as well as all the other charges, and you would be thrown in jail straight away.

Bullshit. Don't go full Ribka on us now (you never go full Ribka, ever). Only a prize cunt would jeopardise their family safety to avoid facing possible legal ramifications of some error of judgement. Better to face a court that attend a funeral of a loved one, especially if you had the means and ability to try and prevent it.

Ok then, I fully agree with your last sentence ...

I'm curious what "loaded ready for defense" firearms you have in your house .... this does not include "stored" guns & ammo in separate safes/lockboxes etc ...

None. I still manage to sleep really well at night though.

I think I have a Japanese sword in the top cupboard in the main bedroom - not a Hattori Hanzō but still pretty sharp from what I recall.

Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by mauserand9mm
Originally Posted by Raspy
Whatever you said...everyone knows you are a lying jerk.

That's a bold assertion. Point out where you think I lied.

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Originally Posted by Riflehunter
Originally Posted by DBT
Blowhard yanks who are blind to the state of their own society and nation while they point their fingers at others.....
Are you on an invalid pension too, like many of your countrymen? Or did you manage to convince everyone that you have 1/10 native ancestry?
another migaloo mugilah.


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Funny how these AUS/NZ guys forget who saved their sorry butts from the Japs in WW II.

Back then at least they had guns and a Navy. Now disarmed and no WMDs to threaten China/Indonesia.
Either of those countries could walk over AUS/NZ in 2 weeks. No one will go to war to save them. Heck NATO can't even hang together to frustrate Russia.

The Japs almost did it, next time it will be a piece of cake.

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Originally Posted by Riflehunter
Originally Posted by DBT
Blowhard yanks who are blind to the state of their own society and nation while they point their fingers at others.....
Are you on an invalid pension too, like many of your countrymen? Or did you manage to convince everyone that you have 1/10 native ancestry?


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Keep laughing Aussie. Your grandkids in the labor camp will be speaking Chinese b efore they are organ harvested.

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Blowhard Yanks, are you aware of the state of your own nation, with a vegetable for a President? How are things going for you? What are you doing about it?

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Funny how these AUS/NZ sheep can pick on senile Joe while ignoring the threat next door (Indonesia), The Muslim invasion and the Chinese buying up the country.

Small countries w/o WMDs are easy prey. Ask NOKO why he built nukes. Lesson: Gooks are smarter than Kiwis.


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Originally Posted by DBT
Blowhard Yanks, are you aware of the state of your own nation, with a vegetable for a President? How are things going for you? What are you doing about it?

typical facist bootlicker, brags about giving up his firearms and taking a toxic ineffective vaccine lol

Did the covid shot prevent covid? what a clown


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Originally Posted by ribka
Originally Posted by DBT
Blowhard Yanks, are you aware of the state of your own nation, with a vegetable for a President? How are things going for you? What are you doing about it?

typical facist bootlicker, brags about giving up his firearms and taking a toxic ineffective vaccine lol

Did the covid shot prevent covid? what a clown


Where did I do that, little ribka? Put up or shut up.

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Originally Posted by DBT
Blowhard Yanks, are you aware of the state of your own nation, with a vegetable for a President? How are things going for you? What are you doing about it?

Freedom is often ugly and messy, however a cuckhold slave like you wouldn’t know that….. or what freedom looks like.

You keep cowering and caving and don’t worry about us. There’s is nothing we need from the Island of Misfit Toys.

�Politicians are the lowest form of life on earth. Liberal Democrats are the lowest form of politician.� �General George S. Patton, Jr.

~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~
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Only a question of who takes over ---- the chinks or muzzys.

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It is interesting to see the different attitudes of people in different countries. Usually, the opinions voiced regarding the practices in another country come from ignorance, rather form any real knowledge. The concept of having to carry a gun everywhere you go seems to be uniquely American; although there are certainly people in other countries who feel the same way. In general though, better life choices make a great substitute for being armed. If you are not involved in the drug trade, the chances of being shot are drastically reduced. If you are not a belligerent, aggressive driver, the chances of being shot are drastically reduced. If you do not belong to a gang dedicated to trying to piss off another group, your chances of getting shot are drastically reduced.
In North American, there is a long tradition of hunting for sustenance and for sport; this forms a large part of the basis for the right to firearms ownership. Of course, the other supporting argument for firearms ownership stems from the perceived necessity to protect individual freedom FROM THE STATE. The greatest threat to liberty is seen to be one's own government. This contention is demonstrable worldwide, so there is certainly a point to it. It is only in recent years (say the last forty years or so) that so many Americans have begun living in fear of violence as an everyday situation. In essence, many citizens have chosen to raise the stakes for everyday interactions. At the same time, the general breakdown of social etiquette and respect for others, has exacerbated the problem.
I was born in the great state of Idaho and spent my years growing up in Idaho, British Columbia, and Alberta. I was educated in both countries and served in the US Army. I have travelled from coast to coast numerous times. At the same time, I have no personal knowledge of Australia and have never been there. This lack of knowledge doesn't seem to hold anyone else back, so I'm going to jump right in too.
The impression I get, regarding Australians, is that firearms were not as central to their lives, in frontier times, as they were to Americans. People were more widely dispersed and the challenges were different. They didn't have large herds of buffalo or other game to hunt. They had no large predators to defend themselves against. All in all, their challenges were more along the lines of getting enough water to make a living, and a gun didn't help a lot here.
In Canada, things were more like in the US in many respects. Hunting was a way of life for many. There were (and are) plenty of large predators around, and the carrying of a gun (rifle or pistol) was prudent.
I have, for most of my life, usually had a rifle in the truck. This is not for protection against criminals but I have put it to use against predators or to dispatch injured animals along the highway. I almost always carry a rifle if I'm in bear country, and I just like carrying a rifle; I always have. I like a rifle over bear spray. A sprayed bear might still bite me; a dead bear won't.
I strongly suspect, if push comes to shove, it might turn out that Australians are a little better armed than many might think. Rural Australians, like rural Canadians and Americans, are a pretty independent lot. I think they are more inclined to act, when necessary, rather than bluster when it is not. GD

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"Being armed" won't save them anymore than it did the French/Dane/Norwegians etc when the Nazis rolled in.
No WMDs equals NO Defence.
Two weeks to surrender at most.

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Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by DBT
Blowhard Yanks, are you aware of the state of your own nation, with a vegetable for a President? How are things going for you? What are you doing about it?

Freedom is often ugly and messy, however a cuckhold slave like you wouldn’t know that….. or what freedom looks like.

You keep cowering and caving and don’t worry about us. There’s is nothing we need from the Island of Misfit Toys.

Take a good long honest look in the mirror, Ace. Look at the state of your own nation before you hurl your cowardly insults at people in other nations, because it appears that you are blind to your own folly and have no understanding of the situation in Australia.

Are you aware of the constant encroachment of legislation in your own nation, a slow but steady eroding away of your freedoms?

Of course you are, yet you do nothing about it.

Abusing others on the internet doesn't resolve the issues in your own nation, Ace.

Your vile attitude toward others doesn't address what is happening in the USA.

Which just makes you a helpless blowhard yank spewing his bile on the internet.

Have a nice day, Ace.

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"Being armed" won't save them anymore than it did the French/Dane/Norwegians etc when the Nazis rolled in.
No WMDs equals NO Defence.
Two weeks to surrender at most.

Refute that

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Most Australians, like you, embraced the fake pandemic and all of the shutdowns, gun confiscations and stated the experimental shot stopped the spread of covid. lol

Here in the US when they pass gun grabs our sheriffs refuse to enforce the laws unlike facist Australia

Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by DBT
Blowhard Yanks, are you aware of the state of your own nation, with a vegetable for a President? How are things going for you? What are you doing about it?

Freedom is often ugly and messy, however a cuckhold slave like you wouldn’t know that….. or what freedom looks like.

You keep cowering and caving and don’t worry about us. There’s is nothing we need from the Island of Misfit Toys.

Take a good long honest look in the mirror, Ace. Look at the state of your own nation before you hurl your cowardly insults at people in other nations, because it appears that you are blind to your own folly and have no understanding of the situation in Australia.

Are you aware of the constant encroachment of legislation in your own nation, a slow but steady eroding away of your freedoms?

Of course you are, yet you do nothing about it.

Abusing others on the internet doesn't resolve the issues in your own nation, Ace.

Your vile attitude toward others doesn't address what is happening in the USA.

Which just makes you a helpless blowhard yank spewing his bile on the internet.

Have a nice day, Ace.

Last edited by ribka; 01/22/23.
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Originally Posted by ribka
Most Australians, like you, embraced the fake pandemic and all of the shutdowns, gun confiscations and stated the experimental shot stopped the spread of covid. lol

Here in the US when they pass gun grabs our sheriffs refuse to enforce the laws unlike facist Australia

Originally Posted by DBT
Originally Posted by AcesNeights
Originally Posted by DBT
Blowhard Yanks, are you aware of the state of your own nation, with a vegetable for a President? How are things going for you? What are you doing about it?

Freedom is often ugly and messy, however a cuckhold slave like you wouldn’t know that….. or what freedom looks like.

You keep cowering and caving and don’t worry about us. There’s is nothing we need from the Island of Misfit Toys.

Take a good long honest look in the mirror, Ace. Look at the state of your own nation before you hurl your cowardly insults at people in other nations, because it appears that you are blind to your own folly and have no understanding of the situation in Australia.

Are you aware of the constant encroachment of legislation in your own nation, a slow but steady eroding away of your freedoms?

Of course you are, yet you do nothing about it.

Abusing others on the internet doesn't resolve the issues in your own nation, Ace.

Your vile attitude toward others doesn't address what is happening in the USA.

Which just makes you a helpless blowhard yank spewing his bile on the internet.

Have a nice day, Ace.

You didn't answer the question, ribka. You deflect. And it seems like you feel entitled to insult others but whine when you get it thrown back.

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