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Thank you. That means a lot.
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I really enjoyed Precision Shooting. I am pretty sure they still owe me about a year or more of magazines...I don't want a refund, I want new editions!
Welcome Dick. Beautiful work.
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Thanks. I had a lifetime subscription and they owe me lots of issues. There was a time around twenty years ago, when, in retrospect, I think the magazine was at it's absolute best, that we had Rich Keyser and a couple of other guys who wrote about varmint guns and hunting, a couple of guys covering Camp Perry shooting and myself and several others who covered benchrest.
At that time I had retired from my real job, formed my own corporation and spent half my time trying to build the business and the other half travelling around the country shooting in matches and writing about same. Those were good days although, if I were smarter, I would have spent more time on the business. At that time, Glorya and I owned about 15% of the Precision Shooting stock and I was on the board of directors.
Things changed and people changed... the sport of benchrest started to slowly lose competitors. The use of computers grew very rapidly which made staying in the magazine business harder and harder... Seeing the handwriting on the wall, I sold my PS stock and used part of the money to buy my old Porsche which is, by now, an old friend and which still sits in the garage, polished and pampered and waiting to be exercized, something I do at every opportunity.
By 2012 Precision Shooting subscriptions were not being renewed at an alarming rate. In October the magazine simply ran out of money and couldn't afford to pay for the printing of the next issue. Alas, no more Precision Shooting. Jim Borden (another member of the board of directors) and I decided that, were we twenty years younger, we would try to resurrect it... but we weren't.
Now, pushing eighty, (real hard) I spend too much time sitting by my computer and looking at the fifteen acre lake we have in the back yard. There was a time when I was an associate member of the American Custom Gunmakers Guild and each winter I try to build one rifle. I was very lucky recently and found a good Ruger No. 1 action for a very good price. A call to my old friend, Tim Gardner, at Douglas got me a light .22 barrel. The metal is off to the metal guy now with a request to have it done when deer season is over. Making the stock will keep me out of Jackpine Savage bars for another winter.
Still, I really miss writing for the magazine...
Dick Wright
Last edited by Dick_Wright; 09/29/15.
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Dick, I remember having a conversation with Joe Krupa when he had an article published in PS magazine. I asked him if he was an aspiring writter just like Dick. His reply was "Al there's a difference between Dick and I, I dont write fiction". I about fell out of the range house door I was laughing so hard...
Good to see you're still up and about.
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Dick, I remember having a conversation with Joe Krupa when he had an article published in PS magazine. I asked him if he was an aspiring writter just like Dick. His reply was "Al there's a difference between Dick and I, I dont write fiction". I about fell out of the range house door I was laughing so hard...
Good to see you're still up and about. Al, There was a time, years ago, when Mr. Krupa and I were on each others shi- list over something stupid that happened in an Honor System group match. I think we're both probably older and more mellow now and that bygones are bygones... Re: writing fiction... years ago when I was a fledging writer I wrote something in Precision Shooting about some Scottish powder that was just plain wrong... just a stupid mistake. Let me tell you, I learned the hard way to check my facts before I wrote anything. I get tired very easily nowadays and really miss the shooting; especially the Harrison matches that Glorya and I started 25 years ago and which flourished for many years. A lot of really good shooters got their start at those matches. Thanks to you they were well run and continued after I got too old to do all the work necessary to keep them going. This is the first year there are no matches in Harrison since 1990. That's really a shame... Dick
Last edited by Dick_Wright; 10/01/15.
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![[Linked Image]](https://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah264/DickWright/DSC_0504_zpsremlkbfp.jpg) FWIW this is the finished rifle. I got the parts that were out for bluing back and put it together yesterday. The scope will be added shortly and it will finally be ready to shoot.
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![[Linked Image]](https://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah264/DickWright/DSC_0485_zps8hwkrulc.jpg) FWIW this is my latest stock job. It's a CZ 452 in 17 HMR. Lots of custom work... new trigger guard, modified trigger, shortened magazine, etc, etc... I also made a tuner for it since I will shoot it in informal benchrest matches next year. Dick Absolutely stunningly gorgeous!
I got banned on another web site for a debate that happened on this site. That's a first
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Man I just found this thread and I'm getting ready to head into work. I'm only on page 3 and got about a half hour of reading left before my morning commute into work. Some of my favorite writers have revealed themselves already--awesome.
The suspense is killing me only being on page 3. Is Wayne Van Zwoll, Craig Boddington or David Petzal on here as well? If so, this is the best site ever period IMO.
Mule Deer, I'll have to read your writings on upland hunting. In the excitement, did i read you have written books on upland hunting in Montanana or articles for magazine companies? I know you write for magazines and i know which ones, im interested if you have any books in print on upland hunting in Montana-especially for ruffs. And if any of you other fellas do let me know title and where to snag them. Im from southwestern Pennsylvania originally; Chestnut and Laurel Ridge areas and I got all of George Byrd Evans books and read them all from cover to cover. Fan of William Hardin Foster as well.
Having spent the last fifteen years working my life away for big oil companies, I lucked into a lower management role recently and plan on fly fishing and hunting more this year. Not enough vacation time in the past. So I did alot of reading before my oil career kicked into high gear, haven't really read a good hunting book in years.
Tight chains.
The perfection of life with a gun dog, like the perfection of an Autumn, is disturbing because you know, even as it begins, that it must end. Time bestows the gift and steals it in the process. "George Bird Evans"
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Campfire Kahuna
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MolonLabe41, Sorry I missed this post--was involved in getting some dang handloading book shipped. Yes, I wrote one book on western bird hunting, mostly about upland birds and mostly about Montana, named WESTERN SKIES. Unfortunately it's out of print now and we don't have any copies left, but used copies can be found on Amazon and other sites. I also wrote a book named SHOTGUNS FOR WINGSHOOTING that has a lot of stuff on western upland hunting, and includes a lot of nice color photos. We do have copies available on our website, www.riflesandrecipes.com.
“Montana seems to me to be what a small boy would think Texas is like from hearing Texans.” John Steinbeck
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MolonLabe41, Sorry I missed this post--was involved in getting some dang handloading book shipped. Yes, I wrote one book on western bird hunting, mostly about upland birds and mostly about Montana, named WESTERN SKIES. Unfortunately it's out of print now and we don't have any copies left, but used copies can be found on Amazon and other sites. I also wrote a book named SHOTGUNS FOR WINGSHOOTING that has a lot of stuff on western upland hunting, and includes a lot of nice color photos. We do have copies available on our website, www.riflesandrecipes.com. Mule Deer, thanks. I just saw this and today is my 42nd birthday and I'm ordering your book from you and I will track down the used copies on Amazon of the other. I'm super super stoked to finally have my wife on board with our western move. I've always wanted to live in Montana, but I think we will be relocating from ND to Wyoming. Specifically the Cody area. I had a job offer before years ago in Sheridan and recently in Saratoga, but she wasn't on board then. After recently talking to an old timer from Montana, he told me if he was me he'd move to Wyoming because "Wyoming is everything Montana used to be" and he was referencing the recent puky poltical problems you outdoor guys are facing. To many Hollywood types have infested you was his words. I'm not agreeing or disagreeing, I will ad IMHO from reading and not actual hands on experience that Montana is a Sportsmans paradise and the BEST in the lower 48. Being from Pennsylvania Appalachians, as long as I can hunt ruffs, deer and catch trout on dry Flys I'm a happy dude. With some yote interaction as well, whether it be from trapping or hunting and I'm a happy camper. I am pumped looking forward to some Elk hunting and other upland game Wyoming has to offer. Got to learn how to quarter game next. Having skinned and butchered my own deer for two decades now, I think it won't be a problem. Thanks for the information.
Tight chains.
The perfection of life with a gun dog, like the perfection of an Autumn, is disturbing because you know, even as it begins, that it must end. Time bestows the gift and steals it in the process. "George Bird Evans"
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Just completed order thanks again
Tight chains.
The perfection of life with a gun dog, like the perfection of an Autumn, is disturbing because you know, even as it begins, that it must end. Time bestows the gift and steals it in the process. "George Bird Evans"
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A friend of mine Googled my name the other day and this website came up as one of the first listings. When he went into it, the first question there was "Where's Jon Sundra" or something to that effect. So I went into 24 Hour for the first time in a couple of years (I just don't do this kind of stuff; I guess I'm too much a private person). Anyway, it seems that my handful of readers just aren't aware of the magazines I'm writing for these days. I'm actually writing as much as I ever have; it's just that I'm not writing for the bigger magazines for a couple of reasons: 1: I have a lot more independence and don't have to pander to advertisers to the degree I once did, and 2: I'm paid well enough that the difference is more than worth it.
So, for whomever is interested, I'm the Field Editor for Safari Club International's SAFARI Magazine; Field Editor for RIFLE FIREPOWER, a relatively new magazine from Harris Publications (the same one who published my COMPLETE RIFLEMAN annual for 22 years; Senior Writer for GunHunter Magazine; Contributing Editor to RIFLE SHOOTER, VARMINT HUNTER, GUN DIGEST, and various other Harris Publications magazines.
I'm still in good health and good physical condition for an old coot. And I'm still driving Lamborghinis; that never gets old!! Always enjoyed and profited from your work, Sir.
USMC 0351
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Times and people change! When I started shooting at Camp Perry in 1960 there were several thousand competitors every year! I spent four years instructing in the Small Arms Firing School and I hope I helped many people! In recent years the attendance has dropped way down from past years and I really hate to see that. The introduction of other venues involving shooting has distracted from what is really in my opinion the best method of teaching marksmanship ever invented aka The National Match course of fire in conjunction with the Prone Long Range Matches using iron sights...or in the event of Any Any Rifle allowing a scope.
I've gotten old now and with a lower lumbar that my Doc says is 'shot' I can no longer shoot the prone or sitting position. But I'll never forget the 'cling' of an empty National Match M1 clip ejecting the rifle and looking through the spotting scope and seeing ten rounds dead center of the 300 yard rapid fire target! The next command from Ole Sarge was "Police up your brass and move back to the 600."
No...noone knows ALL ABOUT RIFLES....but keep on writing!!
Good day gents!
General Custer was an egotistical Dumbass!"
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Campfire 'Bwana
Campfire 'Bwana
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Geeze, this was a good read tonight.
Thumbs up!
I am MAGA.
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In my view there is a pile of members here that can and do offer anything a "gun writer" can. It ain't rocket science though they work hard convincing of so.
Conduct is the best proof of character.
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Campfire 'Bwana
Campfire 'Bwana
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Not me! Maybe if I had carried on like I did when my hunting buddies were still around.
Hopefully my kids take to it, would be nice to get into the outdoor stuff again.
I took gun magazines to school as a kid, probably cant let my kids do that today.
I am MAGA.
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I retired as a teacher four years ago. I had a couple hundred hunting and shooting magazines in my classroom all the time. The boys who were nonreaders would eat up the magazines. Many of my students would bring me their spent brass, because they knew I reloaded ammo. I taught in a rural system where even the superintendent was a hunter/shooter. For almost 30 years I taught Hunter Education in the school during evenings.
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![[Linked Image]](https://i1382.photobucket.com/albums/ah264/DickWright/DSC_0721_zps7fvegzyk.jpg) Now that I am no longer writing for Precision Shooting, I have been (slowly) building a couple of rifles. This is my latest project. It is a .222 varmint rifle, 60's style, which should be done by spring and which I intend to shoot in local benchrest matches next summer. I found the Unertl at a real deal a year ago and decided it needed a gun. I'm about to put finish on the stock after which it will be checkered and rust blued. I really miss writing for the magazine and this work helps satisfy some of the creative urges.
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PS was a favorite. It sure wasn't a slick production, but it was deep. I would much prefer to struggle through a technical work, than skip an article I could have written myself.
Didn't vote for Fester. Oz made me hold my nose!
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Campfire Sage
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I'm thankful for writers, because I like guns.
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