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Campfire Ranger
Campfire Ranger
Joined: Jan 2018
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effect on Dec. 8th, 2022. This will be a long post to read. I’m sorry for that, but there is some things I need to say. Below is a cut and pasted post I did from another thread I responded to on 11/17/2022. It was written primarily for my Oregon Fire members, while calling on all members here to join in to help me, and Oregon, ensure this law finds itself overturned in the lower courts for being completely unconstitutional in its entirety. I will explain in my next post what ‘YOU’ can do to help me fight this law. I know some of you feel that Oregon deserves this for being a shît hole and harbinger of Leftist anarchy. I understand completely those feelings... But, I’m here fighting, and have others just like me in the trenches who’ve been trying to stop any anti-gun legislation for years...And we almost did it, with very little money and virtually no support from all the sporting good manufacturers that call Oregon their home. We fought Ballot Measure 114 to a 49.3% to 50.7% loss. I was actually stunned over this loss. Not because individuals like me didn’t work hard enough to defeat the measure, but in shock that metro Portland, that saw the worst of the riots and have almost all the homeless encampments voted 75% in favor of 114. WTF! Those 75% obviously love Portland being a cesspool of floating shît. SMH, you can’t explain this rationale. WTF? Here’s my plan. It’s time for the pissed off voices of the ‘Fire Collective’ to be heard by Oregon’s, knife, scope, clothing, bullet/rifle and boot manufacturers who stood on the sidelines and did nothing with their wallets or by throwing their corporate support against ballot measure 114. They need to hear from all of us and be told we won’t buy from companies that don’t stand up for 2A and law abiding citizens to easily purchase a firearm. One thing companies seem to understand today, is being ‘Cancelled’. I’m asking for you to help spread the word via email to these Oregon Companies that they need to provide financial support to the law firms who will be filing lawsuits to stop and then overturn Measure 114 by donations sent through Oregon Firearms Federation. I will follow this post with a list of sporting good manufacturers who are located in Oregon that benefit financially from gun owners, hunters, and shooting enthusiasts, here in Oregon and across the US. I will provide a link to their contact emails. I’m asking for my Fire brothers to take the brief wording I will provide on another post. Cut and paste it to your email and hit send as many times as you want. If you want to help out with a small or large donation to Oregon Firearms Federation who’s paying the legal bills. That’s appreciated as well. Here’s the link to donate money for the attorneys who will be doing some heavy lifting. https://oregonfirearms.ejoinme.org/MyPages/DonationPage/tabid/70447/DPOSTED ON 11/17/2022 I hope Oregon is finally pissed off enough to get up from their recliners and finally make a stand. While this legislation has passed and is currently tying up firearm purchases with ultra long waiting periods for background checks for those without a CHL - some still won’t make the deadline of Dec. 8th. To get their firearm after the 12/8 they will have to wait for the State legislature to figure out how fund this massive cluster-fûck of training and permitting through LEO/and outside trainers, then take all their required courses before they can claim their gun. (no solid curriculum has been determined yet) Nobody knows when a gun can be legally purchased after Dec. 8th. When 114 was looking like it would pass, I sent Remsen the full txt of ballot measure 114 and asked him to review it for unconstitutionality. That took Brother Remsen about 10 minutes to reply back to me that the entire measure was so poorly written that it’s unconstitutional in its entirety. Oregon’s Liberal politicians maybe brazen, but they’re still a bunch of idiots when it comes to writing air-tight legislation. Remsen, said that while it most likely will get overturned, eventually. It likely will be a long, hard, fight to win. He said that while Oregon Legislators are fûck’n retards, the Liberal judges in the lower courts aren’t. Remsen said we should be prepared to see some legal workarounds on 114 to nuance it into a legal tool to keep firearms out of peoples hands. What’s this mean? And what can we do? Well, your money helps, and so does some of your time…This fight is extremely important on a national stage, not just Oregon. I would imagine GOA may take the lead on this and challenge it hard, first in the lower courts, and then on to SCOTUS if GOA doesn’t get quick victory. (Updated 11/20/22) There will be approximately 6 separate lawsuits filed to stop and overturn this legislation by several different firms) The donations, for simplicity, are going through Oregon Firearms Federation. Here’s what we can do. If you’re not a member of Oregon Firearms Federation (OFF) Please join and give some financial help to our only grassroots gun rights advocate. I’m a life member. Here’s the link. https://www.oregonfirearms.org/Next, in Oregon we have a lot of companies that provide outdoor equipment to the hunting, fishing, and outdoor adventurist. Most of these companies stayed silent while this legislative trash was being proposed. These companies need to be contacted by hundreds of thousands of Oregon gun enthusiasts and told to get on the support train and speak out, publicly, against the unconstitutional 114, or we will never buy another damn piece of their gear. DuckDuckGo, Google, or whatever you use is your friend to find companies that are located in Oregon. Here’s just a few. Gerber knives, BenchMade Knives, Leupold, Kershaw knives, Columbia Sporting Goods, The James Brand Co., Danner Boots. Sig Sauer Optics……Use your search engine of choice and locate all related outdoor equipment and gear makers in Oregon. Don’t forget the fishing gear makers, either… SEND THEM AN EMAIL TELLING THEM TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO ‘OFF’ AGAINST THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEASURE 114 AND TO SPEAK OUT PUBLICLY AGAINST IT OR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY WILL NEVER BUY THEIR PRODUCTS AGAIN….or you can call them and tell them how you feel about their lack of support. What else? If you’re not a member of Gun Owners of America (GOA) I’m a life member. Join and support their legal war effort. They have some teeth when it comes to doing battle in the courts against unconstitutional gun laws. Last thing…Please get pissed off and stay pissed off for once. Email you legislators and tell them what you think. If you see a meeting taking place that’s within a reasonable distance from your domicile - make the time to show up. Talk if you want, listen if you prefer, and clap, hoot, boo, when you hear things you agree with and don’t. We need numbers, a lot of numbers of people to show up. Oregon will be center stage, nationally on this measure. What are we gonna do? Sit it out and have others from outside Oregon fight alone for our rights that we let slip from our hands, again?…Not me! Fûck these liberal clowns and their agenda to disarm law abiding Oregonians. Fûck these Liberal loons who think a safe utopia is a gunless society where crime escalates, homeless encroachment into neighborhoods is okay - “whoa, watch your step little Stephanie, that’s human shît on the sidewalk”. And, fûck any previous fear of being placed on some political hit list for speaking out against these ass-holes…Note to Oregon, you’re about to be on a list, along with all your firearms under 114, so stop worrying about it. Oregon, get serious, get pissed, and stop fighting amongst ourselves or with others from the States who are shaking their heads at Oregon. Trust me, if you, we, me, fight this with everything we got. Those in other States will help support our war effort. They know it’s important to them as well. But if we won’t fight for ourselves, why would anyone be willing to help a losing cause? Gentlemen, If you think this is just an Oregon thing, you are misinformed. Big money, anti-gun non-profits are jacked up with this temporary win. They have never stopped coming for our guns, and if your State has a hint of blushing blue, you’ll be in their sights. -Beav
Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog “Molon Labe”
Joined: Jan 2008
Posts: 14,412
Campfire Outfitter
Campfire Outfitter
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Great write up Beav and good on Remsen too.
I'll send some money and cut and paste a few for ya.
Although I was born visible, I identify as invisible. I am Trans-parent. My pronouns are Who/Where.
Ecc 10:2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but that of a fool to the 24HCF.
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Campfire Outfitter
Campfire Outfitter
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Also, it's unfuggingbelievable that schidt passed after what we witnessed in 2020 with the George Floyd/BLM/Antifa schidt show!
Although I was born visible, I identify as invisible. I am Trans-parent. My pronouns are Who/Where.
Ecc 10:2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but that of a fool to the 24HCF.
Joined: Oct 2006
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Campfire Regular
Campfire Regular
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I get you and understand, we have to get all the people who want to keep their guns for whatever reason spun up, and each of them (and us) has to be involved!
To preserve liberty it is essential that the whole body of people always possess arms and be taught alike, especially when young, how to use them.-Richard Henry Lee
Endowment Member NRA, Life Member SAF-GOA, Life-Board Member, West TN Director TFA
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Sic Semper Tyrannis
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Campfire Outfitter
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Good on you Beave for organizing a fight, I’m with you and will send donations to OFO, GOA, and SAF as well as emails to the companies you mentioned. Nevada is much like Oregon, a traditionally conservative state that has recently turned blue due to the fugging liberals in Vegas and Reno. Can’t count the number of times I’ve heard on here that if you’re in a blue state you should leave rather than support the libs with your taxes…..Yeah let’s all cut and run rather than put up a fight. I’m 5 generations in Nevada, I ain’t going anywhere.
Let's Go Brandon! FJB
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Campfire Outfitter
Campfire Outfitter
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effect on Dec. 8th, 2022. This will be a long post to read. I’m sorry for that, but there is some things I need to say. Below is a cut and pasted post I did from another thread I responded to on 11/17/2022. It was written primarily for my Oregon Fire members, while calling on all members here to join in to help me, and Oregon, ensure this law finds itself overturned in the lower courts for being completely unconstitutional in its entirety. I will explain in my next post what ‘YOU’ can do to help me fight this law. I know some of you feel that Oregon deserves this for being a shît hole and harbinger of Leftist anarchy. I understand completely those feelings... But, I’m here fighting, and have others just like me in the trenches who’ve been trying to stop any anti-gun legislation for years...And we almost did it, with very little money and virtually no support from all the sporting good manufacturers that call Oregon their home. We fought Ballot Measure 114 to a 49.3% to 50.7% loss. I was actually in shock over this loss. Not because individuals like me didn’t work hard enough to defeat the measure, but in shock that metro Portland, that saw the worst of the riots and have almost all the homeless encampments voted 75% in favor of 114. WTF! Those 75% obviously love Portland being a cesspool of floating shît. SMH, you can’t explain this rationale. WTF? Here’s my plan. It’s time for the pissed off voices of the ‘Fire Collective’ to be heard by Oregon’s, knife, scope, clothing, bullet/rifle and boot manufacturers who stood on the sidelines and did nothing with their wallets or throwing their corporate support against ballot measure 114. They need to hear from all of us and be told we won’t buy from companies that don’t stand up for 2A and law abiding citizens to easily purchase a firearm. One thing companies seem to understand today, is being ‘Cancelled’. I’m asking for you to help spread the word via email to these Oregon Companies that they need to provide financial support to the law firms who will be filing lawsuits to stop and then overturn Measure 114 through Oregon Firearms Federation. I will follow this post with a list of sporting good manufacturers who are located in Oregon that benefit financially from gun owners, hunters, and shooting enthusiasts, here in Oregon and across the US. I will provide a link to their contact emails. I’m asking for my Fire brothers to take the brief wording I will provide on another post. Cut and paste it to your email and hit send as many times as you want. If you want to help out with a small or large donation to Oregon Firearms Federation. That’s appreciated as well. Here’s the link to donate money for the attorneys who will be doing some heavy lifting. https://oregonfirearms.ejoinme.org/MyPages/DonationPage/tabid/70447/DPOSTED ON 11/17/2022 I hope Oregon is finally pissed off enough to get up from their recliners and finally make a stand. While this legislation has passed and is currently tying up firearm purchases with ultra long waiting periods for background checks for those without a CHL - some still won’t make the deadline of Dec. 8th. To get their firearm after the 12/8 they will have to wait for the State legislature to figure out how fund this massive cluster-fûck of training and permitting through LEO/and outside trainers, then take all their required courses before they can claim their gun. (no solid curriculum has been determined yet) Nobody knows when a gun can be legally purchased after Dec. 8th. When 114 was looking like it would pass, I sent Remsen the full txt of ballot measure 114 and asked him to review it for unconstitutionality. That took Brother Remsen about 10 minutes to reply back to me that the entire measure was so poorly written that it’s unconstitutional in its entirety. Oregon’s Liberal politicians maybe brazen, but they’re still a bunch of idiots when it comes to writing air-tight legislation. Remsen, said that while it most likely will get overturned, eventually. It likely will be a long, hard, fight to win. He said that while Oregon Legislators are fûck’n retards, the Liberal judges in the lower courts aren’t. Remsen said we should be prepared to see some legal workarounds on 114 to nuance it into a legal tool to keep firearms out of peoples hands. What’s this mean? And what can we do? Well, your money helps, and so does some of your time…This fight is extremely important on a national stage, not just Oregon. I would imagine GOA may take the lead on this and challenge it hard, first in the lower courts, and then on to SCOTUS if GOA doesn’t get quick victory. (Updated 11/20/22) There will be approximately 6 separate lawsuits filed to stop and overturn this legislation by several different firms) The donations, for simplicity, are going through Oregon Firearms Federation. Here’s what we can do. If you’re not a member of Oregon Federation of Firearms (OFF) Please join and give some financial help to our only grassroots gun rights advocate. I’m a life member. Here’s the link. https://www.oregonfirearms.org/Next, in Oregon we have a lot of companies that provide outdoor equipment to the hunting, fishing, and outdoor adventurist. Most of these companies stayed silent while this legislative trash was being proposed. These companies need to be contacted by hundreds of thousands of Oregon gun enthusiasts and told to get on the support train and speak out, publicly, against the unconstitutional 114, or we will never buy another damn piece of their gear. DuckDuckGo, Google, or whatever you use is your friend to find companies that are located in Oregon. Here’s just a few. Gerber knives, BenchMade Knives, Leupold, Kershaw knives, Columbia Sporting Goods, The James Brand Co., Danner Boots. Sig Sauer Optics……Use your search engine of choice and locate all related outdoor equipment and gear makers in Oregon. Don’t forget the fishing gear makers, either… SEND THEM AN EMAIL TELLING THEM TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO ‘OFF’ AGAINST THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEASURE 114 AND TO SPEAK OUT PUBLICLY AGAINST IT OR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY WILL NEVER BUY THEIR PRODUCTS AGAIN….or you can call them and tell them how you feel about their lack of support. What else? If you’re not a member of Gun Owners of America (GOA) I’m a life member. Join and support their legal war effort. They have some teeth when it comes to doing battle in the courts against unconstitutional gun laws. Last thing…Please get pissed off and stay pissed off for once. Email you legislators and tell them what you think. If you see a meeting taking place that’s within a reasonable distance from your domicile - make the time to show up. Talk if you want, listen if you prefer, and clap, hoot, boo, when you hear things you agree with and don’t. We need numbers, a lot of numbers of people to show up. Oregon will be center stage, nationally on this measure. What are we gonna do? Sit it out and have others from outside Oregon fight alone for our rights that we let slip from our hands, again?…Not me! Fûck these liberal clowns and their agenda to disarm law abiding Oregonians. Fûck these Liberal loons who think a safe utopia is a gunless society where crime escalates, homeless encroachment into neighborhoods is okay - “whoa, watch your step little Stephanie, that’s human shît on the sidewalk”. And, fûck any previous fear of being placed on some political hit list for speaking out against these ass-holes…Note to Oregon, you’re about to be on a list, along with all your firearms under 114, so stop worrying about it. Oregon, get serious, get pissed, and stop fighting amongst ourselves or with others from the States who are shaking their heads at Oregon. Trust me, if you, we, me, fight this with everything we got. Those in other States will help support our war effort. They know it’s important to them as well. But if we won’t fight for ourselves, why would anyone be willing to help a losing cause Gentlemen, If you think this is just an Oregon thing, you are misinformed. Big money, anti-gun non-profits are jacked up with this temporary win. They have never stopped coming for our guns, and if your State has a hint of blushing blue, you’ll be in their sights. -Beav Helps on the way, kiddo. This one is a really good fight. I like the odds of a big win but it sucks in the short term for ORs.
John Burns
I have all the sources. They can't stop the signal.
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Campfire Ranger
Campfire Ranger
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I’m sure I’ll say this a few hundred times to all of you before this POS law is buried and sunk in a deep grave.
Thank you for helping me and our other Oregon 2A gunfighters.
Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog “Molon Labe”
Joined: Nov 2016
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Campfire Regular
Campfire Regular
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Great post Beaver. Thank you
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Campfire Ranger
Campfire Ranger
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Not enough to fill a thimble. $175k rounding up was generated to fight against 114. Those supporting the measure got a single donor donation of $750k from a Liberal woman in Seattle who was originally from Oregon. Et tu, Nosler. 🦫
Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog “Molon Labe”
Joined: Dec 2008
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Campfire Ranger
Campfire Ranger
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Posts: 20,363 |
effect on Dec. 8th, 2022. This will be a long post to read. I’m sorry for that, but there is some things I need to say. Below is a cut and pasted post I did from another thread I responded to on 11/17/2022. It was written primarily for my Oregon Fire members, while calling on all members here to join in to help me, and Oregon, ensure this law finds itself overturned in the lower courts for being completely unconstitutional in its entirety. I will explain in my next post what ‘YOU’ can do to help me fight this law. I know some of you feel that Oregon deserves this for being a shît hole and harbinger of Leftist anarchy. I understand completely those feelings... But, I’m here fighting, and have others just like me in the trenches who’ve been trying to stop any anti-gun legislation for years...And we almost did it, with very little money and virtually no support from all the sporting good manufacturers that call Oregon their home. We fought Ballot Measure 114 to a 49.3% to 50.7% loss. I was actually in shock over this loss. Not because individuals like me didn’t work hard enough to defeat the measure, but in shock that metro Portland, that saw the worst of the riots and have almost all the homeless encampments voted 75% in favor of 114. WTF! Those 75% obviously love Portland being a cesspool of floating shît. SMH, you can’t explain this rationale. WTF? Here’s my plan. It’s time for the pissed off voices of the ‘Fire Collective’ to be heard by Oregon’s, knife, scope, clothing, bullet/rifle and boot manufacturers who stood on the sidelines and did nothing with their wallets or throwing their corporate support against ballot measure 114. They need to hear from all of us and be told we won’t buy from companies that don’t stand up for 2A and law abiding citizens to easily purchase a firearm. One thing companies seem to understand today, is being ‘Cancelled’. I’m asking for you to help spread the word via email to these Oregon Companies that they need to provide financial support to the law firms who will be filing lawsuits to stop and then overturn Measure 114 through Oregon Firearms Federation. I will follow this post with a list of sporting good manufacturers who are located in Oregon that benefit financially from gun owners, hunters, and shooting enthusiasts, here in Oregon and across the US. I will provide a link to their contact emails. I’m asking for my Fire brothers to take the brief wording I will provide on another post. Cut and paste it to your email and hit send as many times as you want. If you want to help out with a small or large donation to Oregon Firearms Federation. That’s appreciated as well. Here’s the link to donate money for the attorneys who will be doing some heavy lifting. https://oregonfirearms.ejoinme.org/MyPages/DonationPage/tabid/70447/DPOSTED ON 11/17/2022 I hope Oregon is finally pissed off enough to get up from their recliners and finally make a stand. While this legislation has passed and is currently tying up firearm purchases with ultra long waiting periods for background checks for those without a CHL - some still won’t make the deadline of Dec. 8th. To get their firearm after the 12/8 they will have to wait for the State legislature to figure out how fund this massive cluster-fûck of training and permitting through LEO/and outside trainers, then take all their required courses before they can claim their gun. (no solid curriculum has been determined yet) Nobody knows when a gun can be legally purchased after Dec. 8th. When 114 was looking like it would pass, I sent Remsen the full txt of ballot measure 114 and asked him to review it for unconstitutionality. That took Brother Remsen about 10 minutes to reply back to me that the entire measure was so poorly written that it’s unconstitutional in its entirety. Oregon’s Liberal politicians maybe brazen, but they’re still a bunch of idiots when it comes to writing air-tight legislation. Remsen, said that while it most likely will get overturned, eventually. It likely will be a long, hard, fight to win. He said that while Oregon Legislators are fûck’n retards, the Liberal judges in the lower courts aren’t. Remsen said we should be prepared to see some legal workarounds on 114 to nuance it into a legal tool to keep firearms out of peoples hands. What’s this mean? And what can we do? Well, your money helps, and so does some of your time…This fight is extremely important on a national stage, not just Oregon. I would imagine GOA may take the lead on this and challenge it hard, first in the lower courts, and then on to SCOTUS if GOA doesn’t get quick victory. (Updated 11/20/22) There will be approximately 6 separate lawsuits filed to stop and overturn this legislation by several different firms) The donations, for simplicity, are going through Oregon Firearms Federation. Here’s what we can do. If you’re not a member of Oregon Federation of Firearms (OFF) Please join and give some financial help to our only grassroots gun rights advocate. I’m a life member. Here’s the link. https://www.oregonfirearms.org/Next, in Oregon we have a lot of companies that provide outdoor equipment to the hunting, fishing, and outdoor adventurist. Most of these companies stayed silent while this legislative trash was being proposed. These companies need to be contacted by hundreds of thousands of Oregon gun enthusiasts and told to get on the support train and speak out, publicly, against the unconstitutional 114, or we will never buy another damn piece of their gear. DuckDuckGo, Google, or whatever you use is your friend to find companies that are located in Oregon. Here’s just a few. Gerber knives, BenchMade Knives, Leupold, Kershaw knives, Columbia Sporting Goods, The James Brand Co., Danner Boots. Sig Sauer Optics……Use your search engine of choice and locate all related outdoor equipment and gear makers in Oregon. Don’t forget the fishing gear makers, either… SEND THEM AN EMAIL TELLING THEM TO PROVIDE FINANCIAL SUPPORT TO ‘OFF’ AGAINST THE UNCONSTITUTIONAL MEASURE 114 AND TO SPEAK OUT PUBLICLY AGAINST IT OR YOU AND YOUR FRIENDS AND FAMILY WILL NEVER BUY THEIR PRODUCTS AGAIN….or you can call them and tell them how you feel about their lack of support. What else? If you’re not a member of Gun Owners of America (GOA) I’m a life member. Join and support their legal war effort. They have some teeth when it comes to doing battle in the courts against unconstitutional gun laws. Last thing…Please get pissed off and stay pissed off for once. Email you legislators and tell them what you think. If you see a meeting taking place that’s within a reasonable distance from your domicile - make the time to show up. Talk if you want, listen if you prefer, and clap, hoot, boo, when you hear things you agree with and don’t. We need numbers, a lot of numbers of people to show up. Oregon will be center stage, nationally on this measure. What are we gonna do? Sit it out and have others from outside Oregon fight alone for our rights that we let slip from our hands, again?…Not me! Fûck these liberal clowns and their agenda to disarm law abiding Oregonians. Fûck these Liberal loons who think a safe utopia is a gunless society where crime escalates, homeless encroachment into neighborhoods is okay - “whoa, watch your step little Stephanie, that’s human shît on the sidewalk”. And, fûck any previous fear of being placed on some political hit list for speaking out against these ass-holes…Note to Oregon, you’re about to be on a list, along with all your firearms under 114, so stop worrying about it. Oregon, get serious, get pissed, and stop fighting amongst ourselves or with others from the States who are shaking their heads at Oregon. Trust me, if you, we, me, fight this with everything we got. Those in other States will help support our war effort. They know it’s important to them as well. But if we won’t fight for ourselves, why would anyone be willing to help a losing cause Gentlemen, If you think this is just an Oregon thing, you are misinformed. Big money, anti-gun non-profits are jacked up with this temporary win. They have never stopped coming for our guns, and if your State has a hint of blushing blue, you’ll be in their sights. -Beav Helps on the way, kiddo. This one is a really good fight. I like the odds of a big win but it sucks in the short term for ORs. Take note,all you JB [bleep]/haters… 👊🏻
Ping pong balls for the win. Once you've wrestled everything else in life is easy. Dan Gable I keep my circle small, I’d rather have 4 quarters than 100 pennies. Tryin not to step on my Dick since 1975…
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Campfire Ranger
Campfire Ranger
Joined: Jan 2018
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Great post Beaver. Thank you No problem, Tim! 🦫
Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog “Molon Labe”
Joined: Jul 2013
Posts: 9,189
Campfire Outfitter
Campfire Outfitter
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I think you are focused on the wrong thing. If this law gets overturned, they'll just pass another one, and you'll be poorer for the fight. Focus on the criminals who are passing unconstitutional laws. Put the fear of the All-Fuucking-Mighty into them if you can't find a court that will hold them accountable. Freedom isn't purchased, it isn't voted on, and it isn't negotiated. It is taken by force, and held with blood.
Not to put a damper on your fight, but you are attempting to negotiate with liars and criminals. Even if you win, you lose.
I belong on eroding granite, among the pines.
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Campfire 'Bwana
Campfire 'Bwana
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Beav, I have something to take care of for an hour or two. Will get back to reading this then. And, along with what I can send to our Cali organizations (LGB  ) I'll see if I can send you folks a few shekels.
The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men. In it is contentment In it is death and all you seek (Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)
member of the cabal of dysfunctional squirrels?
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Campfire Regular
Campfire Regular
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Great post Beaver. Thank you No problem, Tim! 🦫 Boy did Nosler just get taken to the wood shed. Others to follow. Guys request a response from them as it puts them on the spot.
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Campfire Outfitter
Campfire Outfitter
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Posts: 14,412 |
Bump this back up for the OR folks.
Although I was born visible, I identify as invisible. I am Trans-parent. My pronouns are Who/Where.
Ecc 10:2 The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but that of a fool to the 24HCF.
Joined: Apr 2001
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Campfire Tracker
Campfire Tracker
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On the good news front, the consensus is that the CA magazine and semi-auto laws are just about to be overturned in the 9th circus. This bodes extremely well for other 9th district jurisdictions. I’d wager Injunctions against 114 should be quickly forthcoming.
Joined: Apr 2001
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Campfire Tracker
Campfire Tracker
Joined: Apr 2001
Posts: 5,686 |
I think you are focused on the wrong thing. If this law gets overturned, they'll just pass another one, and you'll be poorer for the fight. Focus on the criminals who are passing unconstitutional laws. Put the fear of the All-Fuucking-Mighty into them if you can't find a court that will hold them accountable. Freedom isn't purchased, it isn't voted on, and it isn't negotiated. It is taken by force, and held with blood.
Not to put a damper on your fight, but you are attempting to negotiate with liars and criminals. Even if you win, you lose. This was a ballot measure.
Joined: Jan 2018
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Campfire Ranger
Campfire Ranger
Joined: Jan 2018
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On the good news front, the consensus is that the CA magazine and semi-auto laws are just about to be overturned in the 9th circus. This bodes extremely well for other 9th district jurisdictions. I’d wager Injunctions against 114 should be quickly forthcoming. Fingers crossed that Trump’s appointments to the 9th have made it possible. Congratulations, Scott. I’ll wait to open the champagne, so not to jinx Cali gun owners. 🦫
Curiosity Killed the Cat & The Prairie Dog “Molon Labe”
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