Most big-game hunters are binocular-illiterate. This may seem odd, when more and more hunting magazines run optics articles and even regular optics columns. But most of these essays deal with …
Most big-game hunters are binocular-illiterate. This may seem odd, when more and more hunting magazines run optics articles and even regular optics columns. But most of these essays deal with …
The satisfaction of hitting a target at long range with a bullet is as pleasurable today as when I was a barefoot boy and threw a well placed rock down by the creek. But instead of …
It may be because I am getting older. After all, these ever-spreading gray patches in my beard are a sure sign that I am no longer twenty-five. It may be that with the gray comes …
My Mexican guide, Alfredo, lowered the binoculars, slowly turned his head, and spoke again with the steady assurance of an old hand. “Shoot him right now.”
To enjoy and to continue my reading, I expect the writer of anything that I’m reading to appreciate and respect me as a reader. I’m sure that you expect …
The ochre dust of East Africa filled the Land Rover and covered its four occupants, black and white alike, with the same red hue. Only tiny rivulets of their sweat revealed …
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