The problem is, even though they know it's unconstitutional, and laws keep getting struck down, the liberal gun grabbers pass new ones just as bad or worse. There's no consequences for them to do so. So it's a game of courts and appeals. Nobody really wins.
I'd love to see the NFA brought back to the constitutional accountability. SO many things are wrong about it.
The problem is, even though they know it's unconstitutional, and laws keep getting struck down, the liberal gun grabbers pass new ones just as bad or worse. There's no consequences for them to do so. So it's a game of courts and appeals. Nobody really wins.
I'd love to see the NFA brought back to the constitutional accountability. SO many things are wrong about it.
And the 1968 GCA Barry?
The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men. In it is contentment In it is death and all you seek (Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)
The lack of comments speak volumes about members on this forum and gun owners in general.
BTW I don't use pot in any form
I do however love my freedom and cheer any ruling affirming my rights
Thanks for this post Denton
I don’t smoke weed, never cared for it, never took up tobacco in any form either. Marijuana is a pretty plant and smells pleasant when smoked but I also see how many teenagers get stoned out of their gourd almost daily, can’t be a good thing. Alcohol and caffeine are my regular drugs. I got a family tree littered with alcoholics yet I use it, but I’m prob’ly more addicted to caffeine than I am to alcohol, I’ve been lucky like that.
So I wasn’t inclined to comment on this as it didn’t affect me personally.
I do share the sentiment that any 2A win is a good one. Not fond of weed tho.
"...if the gentlemen of Virginia shall send us a dozen of their sons, we would take great care in their education, instruct them in all we know, and make men of them." Canasatego 1744
The lack of comments speak volumes about members on this forum and gun owners in general.
BTW I don't use pot in any form
I do however love my freedom and cheer any ruling affirming my rights
Thanks for this post Denton
I don’t smoke weed, never cared for it, never took up tobacco in any form either. Marijuana is a pretty plant and smells pleasant when smoked but I also see how many teenagers get stoned out of their gourd almost daily, can’t be a good thing. Alcohol and caffeine are my regular drugs. I got a family tree littered with alcoholics yet I use it, but I’m prob’ly more addicted to caffeine than I am to alcohol, I’ve been lucky like that.
So I wasn’t inclined to comment on this as it didn’t affect me personally.
I do share the sentiment that any 2A win is a good one. Not fond of weed tho.
it's not a matter of a person being stoned out of their gourds, rather that the law as written, removes a constitutionally protected right for the mere possession of any of the regulated drugs,without even need of being convicted of any criminal offense. Imagine if you will, being deprived of the right of free speech for the mere possession of un-taxed alcohol?
I don't smoke, or possess weed, and if there's a controlled substance around it's in prescription form. I think this is a good thing as it's leading back to a strict reading (interpretation) of the 2A as it was written and when it was accepted.
The desert is a true treasure for him who seeks refuge from men and the evil of men. In it is contentment In it is death and all you seek (Quoted from "The Bleeding of the Stone" Ibrahim Al-Koni)