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Morning sir, thanks for the reply.

There is nothing in your post I do not echo 100%.

I've been madly texting connections all across 3 provinces about this, letting them know and encouraging them to keep the pressure on.

Was telling one that I was laughed at in a gun club meeting in '81 or maybe it might have been '84 when I said "They want them all".

The old boys said that "they" were never coming for their Husky .270 and besides nobody needed a black rifle. As it turns out, Husky is a "Mauser sporter" variant and they bloody well did come for it. I assured this person as long as I've got two functioning brain cells and a pulse this is one struggle I'm in for the long haul. I mean after 42 years it's a bit of way of life now after all. wink

You are correct, we need to become involved and engaged at all levels of government.

For sure taking away my handguns won't make anyone any safer at any time - all of C-21 needs to be binned as you've said.

I'd like to get the RCMP out of the role of deciding what bothers Murray Smith or his replacement today and what does not as well.

Again I'll suggest that anyone reading this from Canada who isn't a member of CCFR, NFA or CSSF should give it some hard consideration as to why not.

Best to you all.


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Good news! The Government has withdrawn the proposed amendment to C-21 that included hunting rifles and shotguns!


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Very good news, just one battle in an endless war to keep lawfully owned firearms in this country. Thanks to all those that got involved in whatever capacity.


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While it is nice that 2 amendments were dropped the bill is still moving forward. Nothing has been stated about the ever-greening clause or the other bad amendments / wording.

So is this a small victory or a classic case of bait and switch to relief pressure while still getting the main document through?

This Liberal / NDP coalition is the worst government in the history of Canada and they know how to play people using the media. This to me is a classic play

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Top of the morning to you sir, I trust you're getting decent weather on this first Friday of February.

Hopefully you'll forgive me for a bit of a cut and paste exchange on a BC forum.

"Round Buoy said:
Things that were reconfirmed today:
1) CBC is panicking and so biased it’s unbelievable. They must go!
2) The NDP would do the same if they had a majority.
3) Pierre is on fire and the rest of political world is reeling.
4) Liberals cannot be honest. Ever.
Glad we won this round but the fight never goes away.

Round Buoy;
Morning to you sir, I hope you're well out on your section of the world - you're not in the Gar anymore right?

Anyways random thoughts from an over caffeinated semi-geezer this morning regarding your list.

1. Amen, can't happen soon enough - Jan. 31, 2023 would be good.

2. This mess is brought to us by the NDP - which some of us pointed out to them in our letters. It's on their heads that we're here because their leader has decided that he likes the prospect of a fat pension which will continue to allow him to wear $5000 suits and $10,000 watches. This is squarely on them.

3.The one good thing about O'Toole losing the last election is that it's brought forth Pierre as a leader for sure, but others like Dane Lloyd, Raquel Dancho, Larry Brock and Melissa Lantzman have impressed me. Ms. Dancho is a pit bull but an exceptionally bright one, as is Ms. Lantzman.

4. No, not ever apparently - and none of them can read either - sorry for repeating myself but can any of them read?

Best to you this weekend.


Thanks for reading this far Hugh and no we can't trust them in any way, shape or form and yes this is likely a bait and switch as well as an election tactic.

They are at very least the very worst government in the time I've been alive, no question.

Since they are subsidizing the media to such an extent that unbiased reporting is impossible on most issues, it's one of the few things that side does well - use what they've bought that is. They do have the media helping them though, there is that.

Lastly I'll continue to suggest that both sides are in our respective corners now, getting a drink, having the cuts attended to and awaiting the bell. The bell is going to ring because we've all still got the gloves on and both sides know this isn't over.

Perhaps there are enough of us who have been paying attention when they showed us their cards this time?

Let's hope and pray so and as always, we'll see.

Best to you all.


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Originally Posted by HughW
While it is nice that 2 amendments were dropped the bill is still moving forward. Nothing has been stated about the ever-greening clause or the other bad amendments / wording.

So is this a small victory or a classic case of bait and switch to relief pressure while still getting the main document through?

This Liberal / NDP coalition is the worst government in the history of Canada and they know how to play people using the media. This to me is a classic play
The amendments were smoke to cover the true intent...the handguns.
Nothing less than a complete repeal.

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Originally Posted by 673
Originally Posted by HughW
While it is nice that 2 amendments were dropped the bill is still moving forward. Nothing has been stated about the ever-greening clause or the other bad amendments / wording.

So is this a small victory or a classic case of bait and switch to relief pressure while still getting the main document through?

This Liberal / NDP coalition is the worst government in the history of Canada and they know how to play people using the media. This to me is a classic play
The amendments were smoke to cover the true intent...the handguns.
Nothing less than a complete repeal.
I think so, too. Scrap C-21.

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Originally Posted by BC30cal
Morning to you my cyber friend, and for once it is truly a better morning if only for the fact some of us are starting to wake up.

The language of the amendments and C-21 as a whole absolutely encompassed all firearms.

They use the term "variant" and because a flintlock has a trigger and a barrel - they'd make the case that it's a variant of anything on the list.

They did it with Weatherby Mk V and Ruger No 1 so if someone thinks that all firearms aren't on the table they're deluding themselves.

We're playing for all the marbles here - property rights in Canada - is the end game I believe and have for years.

Anyways, hopefully enough of us are awake now.

We'll see won't we?


You hit the nail on the head Dwayne, we have very weak property rights in Canada. This corrupt government has floated the idea that there should be no private property, the government would grant you right to occupy your home, if you complied with them. The Covid pandemic confusion provided cover for this idea and I think it was missed by most.

In 2019, there was some infringement on firearms ownership in the USA or Canada. It was a topic at lunch. I was saying that the infringement had to be fought as it would but one step towards the banning of all firearms. A young man in 30s poo pooed that that would never happen, I was an idiot for being an alarmist. I hate to say I was right.

At one point, I bought into the concept of "globalism". I didn't see anything wrong with. That was before I realized that many of our political "leaders" did not have the best interests of their country or citizens at heart. Think of all the manufacturing jobs shipped overseas for one example. The companies got richer, but we can't make our own medicines.

I've long ago thought that the UN was useless, corrupt and dangerous (witness the twisted gun statue outside the UN building in NYC), but they've gotten so much worse. Now the elites have the WEF to bow down to. Currently, the WEF is the most dangerous organization to western society. They must be stopped. When the UCP had their leadership election in 2022, I asked the candidates if they supported the WEF. To their credit, they did not. There is nothing that the WEF promotes that is in NE BC, Alberta or Saskatchewan's best interest. Nor Canada's.

Canada would be better off if we withdrew from the UN and the WEF.

Anyway, I'm glad for today's announcement, but there is much more work to be done.

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Dwayne, thanks for the inclusion on your reply on the other site. I tend to agree with you on all points.

I use the word tend in that Personally I am more emphatic in the distrust of anyone in the NDP caucus. When a party signs an agreement to prop up a government that is beyond morally corrupt they then in my view are worse.

I did send through a number of emails and letters to members in all parties on C21 not addressing the issue of crime and instead focusing law abiding citizens when it first came. My anger mounted with the sneaky amendments and flat out lies coming out of Liberal mouths.

The problem now is the press. The CBC has a spin going the C21 was repealed. I watch a video of PP challenging the CBC reporter on this and saying that the CBC was carrying water for Trudeau again. The spin of the press will make it seem that the Liberals listened and pulled back. This will appease the unknowing voters.

As others have stated the pressure needs to continue and get the OIC / C21 repealed in their entirety.

I am glad the PC’s finally have a leader that will stand up, openly call out Trudeau for the moron he is and the dishonest press.

All the best for the day

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This is great news however, it is all about smoke and mirrors. I haven't seen the tweet myself but I received an update from Alberta Minister of Justice Tyler Shandro reported on a twee sent out by Mendicino shortly after the Liberals "Recinded" the amendments which makes it clear that the govt has only paused the campaign to ban our commonly used hunting arms and that they are drafting a clear solution. Bait and switch is in play in a big way I am afraid.
Plus, there is the rest of C21 and the 2020 ban to get rid of still.
Stay vigilant my friends!


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Good afternoon sir, I hope you're getting decent weather out on the flatlands and you're all well.

For sure it's smoke and mirrors.

They that is PM Socks, Rolex Singh and the BQ aren't backing down truly, just regrouping.

The handgun and AR variant issue hasn't moved.

Again I'll use the analogy that both sides are in our corners waiting for the bell.

They have an agenda and ours is just as clear - they hope for our demise through attrition and legislation and we're reciprocating.

I'd like nothing better than the majority of Canadians to wake up to what the left are up to and then leave their ranks. As well I'd like some rights enshrined in a meaningful Canadian bill of rights that the whim of parliament can't undo.

We'll see.

All the best and thanks for your efforts in the task at hand.


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Good afternoon Dwayne,
It's a beautiful, warm day on the bald azz prairie today. I wish I had been able to get outside and hunt some rabbits, or, better yet, put my cougar tag to good use as the season closes in about 8 weeks. Unfortunately, I have to get myself together to start a set of night shifts tomorrow.

You Sir are very correct in your assessment. We need to catch our breath in preparation for the next assault on our lifestyle. I just read a statement by a Liberal lackie who only mentioned hunters, farmers and First Nations about firearms. It seems that they are no longer even acknowledging sport shooting here.

Hopefully, when the Conservatives win the next election, they will enshrine some rights into the Charter that give us property rights, including firearms. If there ever was a potential window of opportunity for this to happen, it will under Pierre's leadership.
Have a great evening my friend.

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Jeff, Marco Mendinico was expressing strong support for all aspects of C 21 as late as last Friday - Jan 27th. In an interview today he stated that he will bring back the two clauses with revised wording.

They just keep chipping away

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I just saw on CKDR Radio's website. "Ottawa's backing down{.

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Originally Posted by wabigoon
I just saw on CKDR Radio's website. "Ottawa's backing down{.
No they aren't, they are regrouping. Their true intent was the handguns, they only implemented the amendments as a ruse to make it look like a victory for gun rights when they back down.

Continue with the intent to expose and destroy the sex offender and towel heads supporters, do not comply.

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Originally Posted by HughW
Jeff, Marco Mendinico was expressing strong support for all aspects of C 21 as late as last Friday - Jan 27th. In an interview today he stated that he will bring back the two clauses with revised wording.

They just keep chipping away

Hi Hugh,
Thanks for that. I missed the interviews as I'm working nights.
I suspect as much though. Change the wording to make it more "palatable"
yet punish us even more so.

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Well here comes the buy back program. Not surprising that some of the Liberal Mayors -- Edmonton and Calgary are on board to participate. Poor voting gets these types of results.


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you thought it was over ... at least hunters now are getting what the shooters are dealing for a while now.

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