Great guns. Have had a few. Currently only have one lrpv in 22-250. Shoots outstanding for a factory rifle. My friend has the same gun with almost 4k round Thru it and still shoots pretty good groups. The other ones I have re-used the actions and added aftermarket barrels and stocks. It’s an illness once you start swapping barrels, but it’s fun.
have to agree
bought my first HB Savage on a dare back......1998 maybe
Police Rifle...tupperware stock...223.heavy 9 twist 24" barrel
Kept going from there...concentrating mainly on the s/shot actions
Ran across some 'M' series s/ & SS 24" heavy barrels....dirt cheap
Believe they were leftover ML actions..large shank....223's
Have since then stepped up to the Target Actions...4.41" spacing..large shank threading
Still have a few set up as p/dog rigs....20-222..223AI..222 mag.......etc
Have always used Pac Nor for my barrel source........never got a bad barrel
Swapping barrels on Savage actions is fun...although have slowed down over the years
I've always preferred the Pac Nor over the rough Savage barrels
pic......Savage Target & heavy Pac Nor 9 twist 20-222
![[Linked Image from]](jpg/thun3bp.jpg)