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Cameraland is a site sponsor and started this thread for the interest and benefit of our forum members. I can't figure out why anybody would want to come to this thread and take a big steaming dump on it.
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"The Chinks are making the USA their Disneyland. They are at least 30% complete with taking over. Once they do, stand by for mass immigration and organ harvesting of us. Every time you buys a Chink product you are feeding the Trojan Horse. You will continue to and the USA is doomed."
Campfire keyboard warriors employ the the Persian messenger method when they cannot refute the facts.
Buy a Chink scope and help the Commies kill mommy ! have you ever tried to get a product made and bring it to market and wanted to make it in the USA only to discover the product would be 4 times more expensive to make here than China? I HAVE! Sometimes it’s not a choice to make it here. Instead of casting stones at companies whose only choice at offering a viable product is to make it i China. Why aren’t you asking why and how did our country become so incompetitive? Answer: the government. Also labor unions who even forced gun companies like Winchester to relocate. Taxes and regulations. Let me ask how many letters did you write to elected leaders? How many of your neighbors did you try to get to vote for limited government? What actions did you take? Other than saying commies? I rest my case. Our country will be destroyed one day with no shots fired. CC: You mention bringing a product to market. Were you trying to have your static scope tester mass produced? I didn't realize that America had gotten so incompetitive. While there's myriad factors in play for America's decline, I'm going to cast some blame on education; there's just not any appreciation for spelling, grammer, syntax, etc anymore. . I will put you in the NO category. You didn’t know it’s 4x the cost in many cases or more. Why would any US company make their products outside the US unless they really had to? Little deickkk looks like the scope holds zero. Not difficult. Let’s see that puppy hold the reticle dead on through its travel on a tall target. For the haters. Nightforce tests their scopes in a static fixture You are correct: I'm not all that interested in static scope testing equipment. I have use for the C clamps, though, but I can source all that I need locally. I have a fixture that holds a scoped rifle so that a mounted scope's function can be checked, but I rarely use it these days. Recoil and bouncing a scope around on the way to shoot it are too consequential to ignore when testing scopes. I've had scopes that tracked well through static testing go wonky during actual use. Nightforce sells a lot of scopes. They must have one gigantic playground near their facility over in Orofino.
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Campfire Tracker
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I'll share my dissatisfaction with Arken. First, they didn't deliver on time. I know I am not alone based on the posts here and on FB.
But the real sin is where Doug shines and this is in communication. Not a word from them until I poked them and then a rather insufficient communication.
The first rule in public communication (and I know a lot about it) is to communicate - even if you don't have any real information - communicate, have a message. "Dear Sir, we apologize for the delay. We had such an overwhelming response to our new lightweight scope that we are struggling to meet the demand. Please know we are working overtime to get the needed materials and ramped up production. To show our gratitude for you as a new Arken customer, here are some stickers and a pen - or hat - or something." How GD hard was that? They could even copy and paste.
Customer is probably going to throw whatever is sent away, but you have done your best to make good. But no, nothing. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
So I look up the website to see how I can contact them and ask about my order - guess what, no live person to speak with. But you can send an email, send a text and hope they will respond, or contact them on Social Media (I did later find a number, but it wasn't obvious). Well I texted them and they assigned a "Ticket" to my issue saying someone will respond shortly. That was four days ago. F-ME. IF that was the way the rest of us did business we'd be looking for a new business or job tomorrow.
I don't give two Sh-*-its that the scope was designed by a Navy SEAL. I don't care where they are made. I don't care who the front man is. I want what I paid for when it was promised to me.
As you can tell, I'm already pissed. Instead of dropping it from 3' and dragging it behind my 20" bicycle with the unicorn seat, I might just give it the NF test and see if it can survive a round through the tube. Whenever it gets here...
Last edited by Akbob5; 02/07/23.
Bob Enjoy life now -- it has an expiration date. ~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~
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You sound like just the kind of customer everyone wants.
It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.
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You buy Chink, you put another nail is USA's coffin.
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You sound like just the kind of customer everyone wants. I am. I have an 840 credit score, spend my money wisely, and am respectful. What more is expected out of a customer? I payed in advance, and they didn't deliver. You sound like an ill-informed person responding - and I'll leave it at that Johnny, cause I like you.
Bob Enjoy life now -- it has an expiration date. ~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~
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I'm just messing around Bob. I should have taken the time to put one of those smiley faces on there. Sorry about that, no offense intended. I do agree with you on their choice of communication. Not being able to talk to a live person sucks. They will give you the line of being overwhelmed with orders, not enough people, and slow delivery due to supply chain and bad weather. I will say when I emailed them they did get back to me, sometimes pretty quick, sometimes about an hour later.
It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.
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Campfire Ranger
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You buy Chink, you put another nail is USA's coffin. Root is THE loser nobody should have to deal with though, no kidding.
It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.
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Campfire Tracker
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I payed in advance, and they didn't deliver. Not defending Arken for their lack of communication as that’s a repeating theme. That said some people have been getting their ordered scopes in the last week or 2. I also believe I heard somewhere that all Arken orders shop out of TX, could some of the delay be due to the weather as I know some areas of TX have been literally shut down lately.
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I payed in advance, and they didn't deliver. Not defending Arken for their lack of communication as that’s a repeating theme. That said some people have been getting their ordered scopes in the last week or 2. I also believe I heard somewhere that all Arken orders shop out of TX, could some of the delay be due to the weather as I know some areas of TX have been literally shut down lately. Sugarland (Houston) is what I understand.
It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.
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Campfire Greenhorn
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![[Linked Image]](https://www.24hourcampfire.com/ubbthreads/gallery/80/full/215555.png) This guy is not a yak farmer. He might be an engineer at the Arken plant, though. Pol Pot killed people who wore glasses because it was seen as a sign of literacy. The kind of human capital that can engineer or reverse engineer and build sophisticated technology like high-end optics and cell phones is harder to oppress than peasants. Problem for the CCP is that you need more than peasants today unless you want to be North Korea. If the Chinese system values the kind of people who can make Arken happen, people who READ and who talk to other people who READ and the institutions that produce them, people like the dude in the picture, then it's only a matter of time. Yeah, it's risky, takes time, messy. No, it's not perfect. But, maybe the most patriotic thing we can do is buy an Arken and remember that the dude who's building it might be the one who changes things over there. Pay attention - what's going on in the picture is still going on today. Also, besides having narrower eyes than most of us, the dude in the picture also has balls bigger than yours and mine put together.
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Campfire Tracker
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I'm just messing around Bob. I should have taken the time to put one of those smiley faces on there. Sorry about that, no offense intended. I do agree with you on their choice of communication. Not being able to talk to a live person sucks. They will give you the line of being overwhelmed with orders, not enough people, and slow delivery due to supply chain and bad weather. I will say when I emailed them they did get back to me, sometimes pretty quick, sometimes about an hour later. JG, apology accepted and returned. A quick trigger finger is not always a good thing (pointing at myself). You’re a gentleman and that is appreciated. Bob
Bob Enjoy life now -- it has an expiration date. ~Molɔ̀ːn Labé Skýla~
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Campfire Tracker
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Wow, this thread sure turned. When I called the shop to talk about my scope needs, the first thing I mentioned was that I do not want anything from China. The request was honored and I ended up with a couple if Swarovski scopes. Doug is far from encouraging Chinese products. He merely provides options for us to INDIVIDUALLY chose what we want to purchase.
Last edited by himmelrr; 02/07/23.
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Campfire Tracker
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Sent Arken a Email on the 30mm scope I had ordered last November had not heard any info since. Response was 6-8 weeks out from Donnie at Arken yes they need to work on communication. But sent E mail on 2-7 and heard back 2-8.
kk alaska
Alaska 7 months of winter then 5 months of tourists
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YeaH, Arken told me 6 weeks ago that my order since Nov 3 was expected in 2 weeks. They say the same thing every time. Wonder if they ever heard of hiring more people so you can actually speak to a human being.
It is irrelevant what you think. What matters is the TRUTH.
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Keep supporting Arken and other CCP made sh**and those who sell it. The CCP appreciates the manufacturing , the technology ,and the US $$ . These products that can be used for war and for and their military . Just in time for when the CCP wants to use them in killing your children and grandchildren . F**k those who support the CCP , and think their CCP buying decisions don’t matter. Those happily posting about buying CCP products and validating their purchases should visit Beijing and get a first hand account of how the CCP feels about Americans. What a bunch of naive a** holes Validating their purchases. My bet is many of you never get out of Hooterville.
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Campfire Tracker
Campfire Tracker
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How did you get by before all of this imported CCP sport optics? I monitor almost every purchase to avoid supporting the CCP. Sometimes you have to buy their sh**. Probably not in sport optics,ah? The F*****s are in our backyard today recording our missile silo movement. You think that’s okay? What flag do you fly? Sounds like a few of you are defeatists. Ready to go for a Balloon Ride? I have an all American product for sale.... Why don't you jump on the USA bandwagon and give me some money. Well played...
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Keep supporting Arken and other CCP made sh**and those who sell it. The CCP appreciates the manufacturing , the technology ,and the US $$ . These products that can be used for war and for and their military . Just in time for when the CCP wants to use them in killing your children and grandchildren . F**k those who support the CCP , and think their CCP buying decisions don’t matter. Those happily posting about buying CCP products and validating their purchases should visit Beijing and get a first hand account of how the CCP feels about Americans. What a bunch of naive a** holes Validating their purchases. My bet is many of you never get out of Hooterville. And just how many times have you visited China?
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Campfire Ranger
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Cameraland is a site sponsor and started this thread for the interest and benefit of our forum members. I can't figure out why anybody would want to come to this thread and take a big steaming dump on it. Because ...no class
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Campfire Tracker
Campfire Tracker
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Keep supporting Arken and other CCP made sh**and those who sell it. The CCP appreciates the manufacturing , the technology ,and the US $$ . These products that can be used for war and for and their military . Just in time for when the CCP wants to use them in killing your children and grandchildren . F**k those who support the CCP , and think their CCP buying decisions don’t matter. Those happily posting about buying CCP products and validating their purchases should visit Beijing and get a first hand account of how the CCP feels about Americans. What a bunch of naive a** holes Validating their purchases. My bet is many of you never get out of Hooterville. You sure are full of hate and anger. Do you honestly believe buying a Chicom scope is giving them an advantage? Control what you can in your life. Stuff that is beyond your control will just bring anger and hate to your life. OBTW, I have been to Bejing a few times. Shanghai too. I did not feel any hate for Americans from any citizens. Maybe it was just you being an “Ugly American.”
Last edited by himmelrr; 02/09/23.
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