I have a pair of these, and I've compared them a number of times to the best of Leica and Swarovsky, all about 8 or 10x42 or thereabouts (i.e. not specialist night binoculars).
I sat on my balcony as the sun set, and compared about every 10 minutes for the ability to resolve individual bricks in a wall.
These bigger & heavier binoculars did indeed do better in twilight, but the difference was WAY less than I expected, so I haven't bought a bigger pair, and just keep using my little Zeiss.
I'm a biologist, so my binoculars get used more in one summer of daily work than most folks use binoculars in years.
My little Zeiss have performed flawlessly since I got them in 1981, and this includes several two-story drops from observation towers, and several dozen swims. The binoculars were not advertised as being waterproof, but they have been.
My binoculars came with with a thirty-year warranty. When I got them as a young man, that felt like forever!
Now, I'm nearing retirement, and my trusty Zeiss mini binoculars are 10 years past their warranty. Makes me feel old!

Anyway guys, these tiny binoculars are better than you'd expect for their size, hence the free bump.
