To kill elk, you must shoot well — and sometimes again. But first you must find them.
To kill elk, you must shoot well — and sometimes again. But first you must find them.
American author Charles Dudley Warner (1829-1900), a contemporary of Mark Twain (1835-1910), was not a hunter. He was not an outdoor writer. But he was, by George! a writer, and he knew how to tell a story well. And he did indeed kill a bear – with a Sharps – in 1878. Here’s an excerpt from his account – a classic but not run-of-the-mill bear yarn:
Two recent but very different studies give us an insight to those of us who enjoy the sport of hunting. Can you find yourself in one of them?
The whisper came through the focus like a dull tap on a vault door. He clenched his teeth and eased off on the trigger.
“What the …”
At only three feet from the wall of tangled undergrowth at the edge of the donga, Nzomo was much too close. He wasn’t careless — he just had blind faith in …
Again, CLOSER, came the awesome full-throated roar of a hunting lion. Rrrrrooooom, oooom, oooom, uh, uh, uh! More than anything else, this savage sound epitomizes wild Africa. “It always …”
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