“Bullet pull” is the usual term for how much force is required for a bullet to leave the neck of the case, which can have a major effect on …
“Bullet pull” is the usual term for how much force is required for a bullet to leave the neck of the case, which can have a major effect on …
I started taking notes on all my big game hunting in 1970, when the details of the dozen animals not recorded (my first was taken in 1966) still remained fresh in my much younger mind. Today stuff has to be written down within a day or two, and …
Gunpowder dates to the 13th century. It’s cleaner, stronger, more efficient now. And more complex.
The satisfaction of hitting a target at long range with a bullet is as pleasurable today as when I was a barefoot boy and threw a well placed rock down by the creek. But instead of …
Omitting or deciding against annealing can be a costly shortcut. You may never have to anneal a case, but if you do, …
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